Conner4680isin's spoof of The Hobbit Trilogy.
- Balto as Bilbo Baggins
- The Great Prince Of The Forest (Bambi II) as Gandalf The Grey
- Adult Simba (The Lion King) as Thorin Oakenshield
- ??? (???) as Dwalin
- ??? (???) as Balin
- Muk, and Luk (Balto Trilogy) as Fili and Kili
- ??? (???) as Dori
- ??? (???) as Nori
- ??? (???) as Ori
- ??? (???) as Oin
- ??? (???) as Gloin
- ??? (???) as Bifur
- ??? (???) as Bofur
- ??? (???) as Bombur
- ??? (???) as Lindir
- Mufasa (The Lion King) as Thror
- Scar (The Lion King) as Thrain II
- Boris (Balto) as A Hobbit said "Mr. Bilbo, Where are you off to?"
- Adult Nala (The Lion King) as Galadriel
- Bear Kenai (Brother Bear) as Elrond
- ??? (???) as Saruman The White
- Rafiki (The Lion King) as Radagast The Brown
- The Red Death (How To Train Your Dragon) as Smaug
- ??? (???) as Azog The Defiler
- ??? (???) as Yazneg
- The Woldrine (Balto 2: Wolf Quest) as Gollum
- ??? (???) as Thranduil
- ??? (???) as The Necromancer/Sauron
- ??? (???), ??? (???), and ??? (???) as The Stone Trolls
- ??? (???) as The Goblin King
- ??? (???) as The Goblin Scribe
- ??? (???) as Legolas
- ??? (???) as Tauriel
- ??? (???) as Galion
- ??? (???) as Beorn
- The Bear (The Fox & The Hound) as Beorn in Bear Form
- ??? (???) as Bolg
- ??? (???) as Narzug
- ??? (???) as Bard The Bowman
- ??? (???) & ??? (???) as Bard's Daughters
- ??? (???) as Bain
- ??? (???) as The Master Of Lake Town
- ??? (???) as Alfrid
- ??? (???) as Old Bilbo Baggins
- ??? (???) as Frodo Baggins
Films In This Series[]
- A Wolf-Dog: An Unexpected Journey
- A Wolf-Dog: The Desolation Of Maleficent
- A Wolf-Dog: There And Back Again