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Bartik Uprising

Bartik is a minor character on TRON: Legacy and TRON: Uprising. He serves as the main character of the short comic Solar Sailer Prisoners. He was the leader of a rebel faction of basics in Tron City.

Bartik, a citizen of Argon City, competed in the Light Cycle Races through the Argon Tunnels. He and his friend Hopper were stopped by a program known as the Renegade, who told them to turn back, as an explosion up ahead was about to derez them all. Bartik and Hopper were later recruited by Paige to join a team to stop the renegade.

As part of Paige's taskforce, Bartik took part in Occupation operations. Together, he and Hopper pressured Zed to join them, but dropped that idea when the light cycle weapon Zed built blew up during testing. The two had little but contempt for the programs at Able's Garage after that, going out of their way to intimidate and torment them.

Bartik was among those rounding up programs to be interrogated after General Tesler offered a reward for the capture of the Renegade. When Pavel claimed that Hopper was the Renegade and had him arrested at the 0001001 Club, Bartik said loudly that he'd known it all along. Later, though, after Pavel left, Bartik was visibly upset, telling Paige that he felt betrayed and finally fleeing from the club, complaining that he needed air. However, the two remained loyal to the Occupation, approving when Mara, infected by Keller's pathogenic code, appeared in the club with red hair and professed loyalty to Clu.

After witnessing the garage workers standing up to Pavel and his guards, Hopper and Bartik decided to stand with them to defend the Renegade, becoming part of the Grid's first active resistance group

Solar Sailor Prisoners[]

Bartik was later seen when he was alerted by Gem to programs being captured by Clu's forces and stored at the solar sailer docks. Along with his ally, Hopper, he went to docks and found the programs on standby being held prisoner in the solar sailers. Bartik used a charge from a grenade on the control panel of one of the solar sailers, reactivating the programs and allowing him to enter. However, one of the programs noticed a patrol of sentries were approaching, so Bartik concocted a plan of having them all remain still, pretending to be deactivated.

When the sentries arrived, they were ambushed by the rogue programs, and although the fight soon swung in favor of the prisoners, Bartik suffered an injury when he was slashed across the face by a sword. The rogue programs appeared to be winning the battle when one of the sentries sent out a signal for reinforcements. Bartik quickly derezzed the sentry, but he realized that his group wouldn't stand a chance against the more of them, so they were forced to flee.

TRON: Legacy[]

After word got around that there was a second user on the Grid, Bartik approached Castor, host of the End of Line Club, seeking audience with Zuse. With programs disappearing from the city, he believed that Zuse could unite the basic factions and foment the revolution that would topple Clu for good. Castor laughingly stalled him, but when the host walked away with Sam Flynn on his arm, Bartik recognized the unusual situation and whispered in surprise, "It is happening."

A short time later, the Black Guard attacked the club, Bartik called to the crowd to resist and fought bravely against them, but was quickly derezzed by the guards.


  • Bartik is probably named after Jean Bartik, one of the original programmers for the ENIAC computer.
  • Bartik appears in the TRON: Legacy choose-your-own-adventure book, TRON: Legacy: It's Your Call: Initiate Sequence, on an alternate continuity path in which Sam accidentally walks in on his faction meeting before the events at the End of Line would have occurred. Initially suspicious, Bartik accepts Sam into his guerilla army and they prepare to fight together against Clu.