These are characters who used to be evil, worked with/for villains, or worked in their own interests at the expense of others, but are currently changed for the better.
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- Abominable Snowmonster of the North
- Adult Copper
- Adult Vitani
- Agatha Gillman
- Aggie Phenderghast
- Aliens (Chicken Little)
- Alistair Krei
- Alvin (ParaNorman)
- Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge
- Amity Blight
- Amos Slade
- Anastasia Tremaine
- Angelica Pickles
- Anger
- Animatronic's (Evil)
- Anti-Pops
- Asriel Dreemurr
- Aughra
- Aunt Sarah
- B.O.Y.D.
- Bad Cop/Good Cop
- Balthazar
- Bang
- Bashmaster The Unbreakable
- Batso
- Beast
- Beerus
- Ben Solo/Kylo Ren
- Bian Zao
- Big Daddy (Sing)
- Big Jet
- Bill Goodfellowe
- Bill the Bug
- Binky Barnes
- Bird (A Bug's Life)
- Black Cuervo
- Blade Ranger
- Blanko
- Bongo the Gorilla
- Bonnie (Five Nights At Freddy's)
- Boris Lee
- Br er gator
- Brit and Tiff Crust
- Bruce (Finding Nemo)
- Bruce (Riley's Adventures)
- Brutus (Riley's Adventures)
- Buck (The Good Dinosaur)
- Bupkus
- Calaveras
- Campion
- Captain James Hook (Disney)
- Captain Krane
- Captain Smek
- Carface
- Carol Pingrey
- Cash (The Fox and the Hound 2)
- Cassandra (Tangled)
- Catzi
- Cecil and Morton
- Cedric the Sorcerer
- Cera (The Land Before Time)
- The Chameleon
- Changelings
- Chaos
- Charizard
- Charlie (Rio 2)
- Cheezi
- Chef Hatchet
- Chelsea Van Der Zee
- Chi-Fu
- Chief (The Fox and the Hound)
- Chief Bogo
- Chloé Bourgeois/Queen Bee
- Chris McLean
- Chungu
- Cindy Vortex
- Cirno
- Courtney (Total drama)
- Crawley (character)
- Crunch Bandicoot
- Gabi (Rio 2)
- Gahri
- Gantu
- Gargouille
- Gary (Riley's Adventures)
- Gavin
- General
- General Rogard
- George (Riley's Adventures)
- Gertie
- Gideon Grey
- Gillossus
- Gloomius Maximus
- Godzilla (Movie)
- Goigoi
- Golden Freddy
- Golden Goose (Shrek)
- Goliath
- Goliath (Wicked Flying Monkeys)
- Gorg Commander
- Grademon
- Grand Councilwoman
- Greenwood
- Grinch
- Gru
- Grubber
- Guy-Am-I
- Hank (character)
- Harry (Riley's Adventures)
- Harumi (Ninjago)
- Heather McNamara
- Heavy Weapons Guy
- Hector (Thomas and Friends)
- Hector Barbossa
- Heidi (Meet the Feebles)
- Heinrich Von Marzipan
- Hellen Gravely
- Henry (Horrid Henry)
- Hilda Berg
- Honeybeemon
- Hornets (characrers)
- File:Httpsthewedordeadwager.files.wordpress.com201012littlemissnaughty1.jpg
- Hundun (Kung Fu Panda)
- Humbert Johner
- Hyp