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Cynder and the Spyro

Lady - Cynder (Legend Of Spyro;Skylanders Academy)

Cynder and the Spyro Series Cast Video

Tramp - Spyro (Legend Of Spyro;Skylanders Academy)

Jock - Mushu (Mulan)

Trusty - Charizard (Pokemon)

Jim Dear - Tintin

Darling - Raveen Queen (Ever After High)

Baby Junior - Baby Rapunzel (Tangled)

Aunt Sarah - Margaux Needler (The Addams Family)

Si and Am - Queen Chrysallis and Nightmare Moon (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

Tony - Fat Albert

Joe - Mushmouth (Fat Albert)

Busy Beaver - Gobba Mixels

Toughy - Grump (How To Train Your Dragon)

Dachsie - Toothless (How To Train Your Dragon)

Boris - Hookfang (How To Train Your Dragon)

Pedro - Cloudjumper (How To Train Your Dragon)

English Bulldog - Skullcrusher (How To Train Your Dragon)

Peg - Whirlwind (Skylanders)

Rat - Weasel (Watership Down((TV Series))

See Also:

Cynder and The Spyro 2: Spry's Adventure
