- Rex the Tyrannosaurus
- Perry the Pterodactyl
- Trevor the Triceratops
- Steve the Stegosaurus
- Pasqual the Parasaurolophus
- Victor the Velociraptor
- Bruno the Brontosaurus
- Ace the Ankylosaurus
- Gordon the Glyptodon
- Murray the Mongoose
- Mortimer the Microraptor
- Ronald the Microraptor, Mortimer's Big Brother)
- Monty the Mammoth
- Sam the Smilodon
- Darwin the Dimetrodon
- Ken the Kronosaurus
- Gertie the Giant Flying Sea Turtle
- Shelly the Ammonite
- Polly the Macaw
- Toasty the Red Dragon
- Spike the Porcupine
- George the Snake
- Zee the Zebra
- Bobby the Badger
- Glonk the Golem
- Titan the Tyrannosaurus
- Penny the Pterodactyl
- Chunky the Triceratops
- Simon the Stegosaurus
- Patrick the Parasaurolophus
- Vlad the Velociraptor
- Betty the Brontosaurus
- Marianne the Monkey
- Hubert Einstone the Chimpanzee
- Dirty the Dodo
- Andrew the Ankylosaurus
- Alice the Archaeopteryx
- Boris the Moose
- Luigi the Tree Frog
- Uncle Terence the Triceratops
- Sarah the Triceratops
- Mandy the Mammoth
- Quincy the Quetzalcoatl
- Sloane the Stegosaurus
- Iris the Ibex
- Frosty the Abominable Snowman
- Louise the Leviathan
- Bella the Buffalo
- Carmen the Carnotaurus
- Billy the Minotaur
- Rocky the Sleipnir
- Pickle the Crocodile
- Jessica the Jellyfish
- Leo the Lion
- Koko the Koala
- Elly the Elephant
- Harry the Hippopotamus
- Bart the Behemoth
- Henry the Bighorn Sheep
- Preston the Platypus
- Bumpy the Dromedary Camel