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Today, The Dragon Quest Heroes are behaving at Supreme Fast Food & they all got Ungrounded by behaving.


  • Luminary (Dragon Quest)
  • Erdrick (Dragon Quest)
  • Solo (Dragon Quest)
  • Eight (Dragon Quest)
  • Akira Kurusu/Joker (Persona 5)
  • Franny (Franny's Feet)
  • Dora the Explorer


  • Paul as Luminary (Dragon Quest)
  • David as Erdrick (Dragon Quest)
  • Young Guy as Solo (Dragon Quest)
  • Justin as Eight (Dragon Quest)
  • Young Guy as Akira Kurusu/Joker (Persona 5)
  • Steven as Terry Bogard
  • Kimberly as Mel B/Scary Spice
  • Ivy as Franny (Franny's Feet)
  • Kayla as Dora the Explorer
  • Salli as What Makes You Beautiful Extreme
  • Paul as What Makes You Beautiful P1
  • David as What Makes You Beautiful P2
  • Steven as What Makes You Beautiful P3
  • Young Guy as What Makes You Beautiful P4


Luminary (Dragon Quest): Hey Joker, can we go to Supreme Fast Food? Because me, Erdrick, Solo, & Eight are hungry.

Akira Kurusu/Joker: Sure! Because Sephiroth didn't have time to make lunch! But y'all better behave. If you don't behave, then you'll be suspended for 64 minutes. Understood?

Solo (Dragon Quest): Don't worry Joker, the 4 of us will behave!

Akira Kurusu/Joker: & Luminary, Erdrick, Solo, & Eight, see you later!

Mel B/Scary Spice: Hi, I'm Mel B or you can call me Scary Spice from Spice Girls. Anyway, welcome to Supreme Fast Food. How may I take your order?

Luminary (Dragon Quest): I would like some roast chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, cucumber slices, & a medium Canda Dry Ginger.

Erdrick (Dragon Quest): I would like 10 spicy wings, a slice of pepperoni pizza, McDonald's styled large fries, & a large Coke.

Solo (Dragon Quest): I would like some tuna sashimi, 10 fish sticks, a red christmas cake pop, & a cup of Cold Water.

Eight (Dragon Quest): & I would like 20 pieces of Wendy's Chicken Nuggets, a Deli Fresh styled smoked ham sandwich, a cup of purple grapes, chocolate M&M cookies, & Minute Maid's Tropical Punch.

Mel B/Scary Spice: Okay, here you 4 go. Thanks for choosing Supreme Fast Food. Have a wacky day!

Akira Kurusu/Joker: Welcome back Luminary, Erdrick, Solo, & Eight! I see that you got your food from Supreme Fast Food. But, did you behave?

Solo & Eight (Dragon Quest): Yes!

Luminary (Dragon Quest): Yes we did!

Erdrick (Dragon Quest): Yup! We surely did!

Akira Kurusu/Joker: Wow Luminary, Erdrick, Solo, & Eight! You guys did very, very... very good!

Eight (Dragon Quest): But what about that 7 year old coral princess?

Solo (Dragon Quest): Yes! we saw her attacking her guardian!

Akira Kurusu/Joker: Okay, let's watch what happened back at Supreme Fast Food Restaurant!

Franny (Franny's Feet): Dora, I said I want 200 pieces of Chicken McNuggets, 200 large fries, 91 scoops of strawberry ice cream, & a large pepsi!

Dora the Explorer: Franny, The Clerk said it is not healthy! You can get 20 pieces of Chicken McNuggets, large fries, 4 scoops of strawberry ice cream, & a large pepsi or nothing at all!

Franny (Franny's Feet): Oh, why don't just engage me you imbicle! Engage Me! (x10) right here at Supreme Fast Food now!

Dora the Explorer: Oh my god! Franny! I can't believe you're a spoiled brat! That's it! We're going home because you will be grounded & I am calling The Rowdyruff Boys as your Friday Night Punishment!

Franny (Franny's Feet): No! (x10) Dora! (x5) Please give me another chance! I'll be good! I will behave!

What Makes You Beautiful Extreme: Me & my boys just came back from The Tunnel Ride. Anyways, we want 5 Spicy Chicken Cool Ranch Doritos Tacos & for drinks, I would like a blue cotton candy milkshake.

What Makes You Beautiful P1: I would like a dragon fruit lemonade.

What Makes You Beautiful P2: I would like a Christmas Punch.

What Makes You Beautiful P3: I would like a Strawberry Fanta.

What Makes You Beautiful P4: & I would like a Purple Grape juice with 7 by 7 neon blue ice cubes.

Mel B/Scary Spice: Okay, here you 5 go. Thanks for choosing Supreme Fast Food. Have a wacky day!

Akira Kurusu/Joker: Dragon Quest Heroes! Since you all behaved at Supreme Fast Food, you guys are ungrounded forever!

Terry Bogard: You can all do whatever you want now!

Erdrick (Dragon Quest): Wow Joker & Terry, thanks a lot! You guys are the best!
