Ella is a contestant in Total drama. She looks a lot like Snow White.
She played Snow White in Ella White and the Seven Dogs[]
She is a princess
She played the Magic Harp in Wander and the Beanstalk[]
She is a Harp
She played Jessica in Codename: Total Drama Contestants Next Door[]
She is a First-Grade Girl, Who loves her Plush Rabbit called Hopsy-Mopsy, She was Blackmailed by Heinrich/Henrietta Von Marzipan.
She played Lady Tottington in Trent and The Tramp: The Curse Of The Were-Bugs Bunny[]
She is a Beautiful and Kind-Hearted Aristocrat, Who loves Animals.
She played Princess Cadance in My Little Total Drama Constant: Friendship Is Magic[]
She is an Alicorn Princess of Love, Who is Twilight Sparkle's Sister in Law and She is Shining Armor's Wife.
She played Rosie in Mike the total Drama Contestant and friends[]
she is a pink engine
She played Lillie Lightship in Total Drama Contestants[]
She is a Beautiful Magenta Lightship and She is Hercules' Love Interest.
Ella in a swimsuit
Ella in a bunny suit
Ella in a beautiful dress
Ella in a bikini in it's colours similar to Snow White's dress
Ella in a bikini
Ella in linguine