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Betsy is a 23-year-old woman who is the main character of The After School Life of Betsy. She works at an after school care centre.


Betsy is creative, wild, wacky, silly and marches to the beat of her own drum. She loves to draw and has even been known to boast about her skill level. Her favourite forms of media are mainly animated TV series and video games. She loves her job at after school care and the kids love her too.

Sometimes, Betsy's grandiose, whimsical ideas can get the better of her. She can also be easily distracted from tasks at hand. But whenever her friends are down, she's always there to cheer them up, especially if that means drawing them a picture.


Betsy has fair skin, freckles, brown, curly hair and a slightly aquiline nose. She is usually seen wearing an orange-and-red striped sweater and blue jeans. Her usual pair of shoes are red, Converse-like hi-tops, but she's also often seen in bare socks - from plain to stripes to spots and everything in between.

