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Over the Parody Hedge (SamuelSonic's Edition) is a parody of Over the Hedge made by SamuelSonicMCSM231467



Jakey as RJ

Daddy Pig

Daddy Pig as Verne

Nutty the Squirrel

Nutty as Hammy

Petunia Old Style

Petunia as Stella

Richard the Rabbit

Richard Watterson as Lou

Nicole TAWOG

Nicole Watterson as Penny

Gumball, Darwin and Anais hug

Gumball Watterson, Darwin Watterson and Anais Watterson as Spike, Bucky and Quillo


Cuddles as Ozzie


Giggles as Heather

Handy the Beaver

Handy as Tiger

Evil Fliqpy

Fliqpy as Vincent

Liane Cartman

Liane Cartman as Gladys Sharp

Randy Marsh

Randy Marsh as Dwayne LaFontant

Romeo Dog

Romeo as Nugent the Dog

  • RJ - Jakey (Happy Tree Friends)
  • Verne - Daddy Pig (Peppa Pig)
  • Hammy - Nutty (Happy Tree Friends)
  • Stella - Petunia (Happy Tree Friends)
  • Lou - Richard Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball)
  • Penny - Nicole Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball)
  • Spike, Bucky and Quillo - Gumball Watterson, Darwin Watterson and Anais Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball)
  • Ozzie - Cuddles (Happy Tree Friends)
  • Heather - Giggles (Happy Tree Friends)
  • Tiger - Handy (Happy Tree Friends)
  • Vincent - Fliqpy (Happy Tree Friends)
  • Gladys Sharp - Liane Cartman (South Park)
  • Dwayne LaFontant - Randy Marsh (South Park)
  • Nugent the Dog - Romeo (Roadside Romeo)