The Parody Wiki

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The Parody Wiki
Marco diaz

Marco as Dipper Pines

The Loud House Luan Nickelodeon

Luan as Mabel Pines


Benson as Grunkle Stan

Peter Griffin

Peter as Soos

Mindy spongebob

Mindy as Wendy Corduroy

Pumbaa (The Lion King)

Pumbaa as Waddles

Squidward J. Q

Squidward as Grunkle Ford


Cream as Candy Chiu


Terk as Grenda

Rafiki the Mandrill (The Lion King)

Rafiki as Old Man McGucket

Buzz (Toy Story)

Buzz Lightyear as Sheriff Blubs

Sheriff Woody

Woody as Deputy Edwin Durland

Donkey (Shrek)

Donkey as Gompers


Diesel as Bill Cipher


Kyle as Lil Gideon

Star Butterfly

Star Butterfly as Pacifica Northwest

Kevin (Ed, Edd, n Eddy)

Kevin as Robbie


Gaston as Bud Gleeful

King Butterfly

King Butterfly as Preston Northwest

Queen Butterfly

Queen Butterfly as Priscilla Northwest


Mzingo as Jeff the Gnome



File:Mzingo's Parliament.png

and Mzingo's Parliament as Gnomes


Thunderclap as Pterodactyl


Monstro as Gobblewonker

Bagheera the Black Panther

Bagheera as Multi-Bear

Chief Bogo

Chief Bogo as Agent Powers

Clawhauser, The World's Fattest Cheetah

Clawhauser as Agent Trigger

Mavis (TTTE)

Mavis as Tambry

Donald and Douglas

Donald and Douglas as Lee and Nate

Oliver the Great Western Engine

Oliver as Thompson


Truffles as Lazy Susan

Toby the Tram Engine

Toby as Toby Determined

Flora the Tram Engine

Flora as Shandra Jimenez


Pops as Quentin Trembly

Numbuh 1

Numbuh 1 as Blendin Blandin

Finnick in Zootopia

Finnick as Time Baby

Max and Monty

Max and Monty as Lolph and Dundgren

Lois Griffin in Family Guy

Lois as Melody


King Neptune as Manly Dan

Scooter (VeggieTales)

Scooter as Tyler Cutebiker

KulanChannel13's TV-spoofs of "Gravity Falls".


  • Dipper Pines - Marco (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
  • Mabel Pines - Luan (The Loud House)
  • Grunkle Stan - Benson (Regular Show)
  • Soos - Peter (Family Guy)
  • Wendy Corduroy - Mindy (SpongeBob SquarePants)
  • Waddles - Pumbaa (The Lion King)
  • Grunkle Ford - Squidward (SpongeBob SquarePants)
  • Candy Chiu - Cream (Sonic the Hedgehog)
  • Grenda - Terk (Tarzan)
  • Old Man McGucket - Rafiki (The Lion King)
  • Sheriff Blubs - Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story)
  • Deputy Edwin Durland - Woody (Toy Story)
  • Gompers - Donkey (Shrek)
  • Bill Cipher - Diesel (Thomas and Friends)
  • Lil Gideon - Kyle (Fanboy and Chum Chum)
  • Pacifica Northwest - Star Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
  • Robbie - Kevin (Ed, Edd, n Eddy)
  • Bud Greeful - Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)
  • Preston and Priscilla Northwest - King Butterfly and Queen Butterfly (Star vs. The Forces of Evil)
  • Jeff the Gnome - Mzingo (The Lion Guard)
  • Gnomes - Mwoga and Mzingo's Parliament (The Lion Guard)
  • Pterodactyl - Thunderclap (The Good Dinosaur)
  • Gobblerwonker - Monstro (Pinocchio)
  • Multi-Bear - Bagheera (The Jungle Book)
  • Agent Powers - Chief Bogo (Zootopia)
  • Agent Trigger - Clawhauser (Zootopia)
  • Tambry - Mavis (Thomas and Friends)
  • Lee and Nate - Donald and Douglas (Thomas and Friends)
  • Thompson - Oliver (Thomas and Friends)
  • Lazy Susan - Truffles (Chowder)
  • Toby Determined - Toby (Thonas and Friends)
  • Shandra Jimenez - Flora (Thonas and Friends)
  • Quentin Trembly - Pops (Regular Show)
  • Blendin Blandin - Numbuh 1 (Codename: Kids Next Door)
  • The Time Baby - Finnick (Zootopia)
  • Lolph and Dundgren - Max and Monty (Thomas and Friends)
  • Melody - Lois (Family Guy)
  • Manly Dan - King Neptune (SpongeBob SquarePants)
  • Tyler Cutebiker - Scooter (VeggieTales)