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A video game of Jurassic World Evolution: Ultimate Collection released on December 1, 2020.


Dinosaur list[]

Below is a list of the dinosaurs in the game:

Image: Dinosaur Unlocked by: Diet: Star Rating: Base Cost: Dinosaur Intro Announcement:
Achelousaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 4 $3,990 Ladies and Gentlemen, we're happy to introuduce the Achelousaurus to the park.
JWE Acrocanthosaurus
Acrocanthosaurus Unlocked in 1 Game Setting Carnivore 4 $4,200 "Ladies and gentlemen, we're pleased to announce our newest arrival to Jurassic World, the terrifying Acrocanthosaurus. Fans of dino carnage will not be disappointed by this predator."
Alamosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 4 $3,990 Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce Alamosaurus to the park.
Albertaceratops Unlocked with Albertosaurus Herbivore 3 $3,900 Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to introuduce Albertoceratops to the park.
JWE Albertosaurus
Albertosaurus Unlocked in 1 Game Setting with Edmontosaurus Carnivore 3 $2,850 "Ladies and gentlemen, we are happy to announce the arrival of our newest addition to our park. The fearsome Cretaceous carnivore, Albertosaurus, is now on display. Please enjoy."
JWE Allosaurus
Allosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 4 $4,200 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to welcome the mighty Jurassic meat-eater, Allosaurus, to our park. Be sure to see her at feeding time."
POT Alioramus
Alioramus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 2 $2,100 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we're happy to announce the arrival of our newest dinosaur. The fearsome Alioramus, to our park. Make sure to hunt prey at any moment."
Amargasaurus in Jurassic World Evolution
Amargasaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 5 $4,740 Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now pleased in our new attraction, the Amargasaurus, please enjoy.
Amurosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 1 $98,12 Ladies and gentlemen, we are now ready for the display of Amurosaurus, please enjoy, everyone.
Anchiceratops dbwc
Anchiceratops Unlocked with Triceratops and Ankylosaurus Herbivore 4 $3,900 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to anounce the arrival of our latest attraction: Anchiceratops. This medium-sized herbivore, is probably to make it easier to fight one another with their horns during dominance contests. Please enjoy."
JWE Ankylodocus
Ankylodocus Must Be Cloned with Ankylosaurus and Diplodocus Herbivore 5 $3,900 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now pleased to meet the new hybrid dinosaur, Ankylodocus. It is a hypbrid of an Ankylosaurus and a Diplodocus."
JWE Ankylosaurus
Ankylosaurus Must Be Unlocked by Struthiomimus or Troodon Herbivore 4 $3,900 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce the arrival of our latest attraction: Ankylosaurus. This shy, reclusive herbivore, is guaranteed to delight nature lovers. Please enjoy."
Anserimimusplaninychus2 b0b7
Anserimimus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 $2,490 Ladies and Gentlemen, we are ready to introduce Anserimimus to the park.
Antarctopelta JWTG
Antarctopelta Unlocked with Ankylosaurus Herbivore 4 $3,900 Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now pleased and ready to show you the latest dinosaur, Antarctopelta.
JWE Apatosaurus
Apatosaurus Must be unlocked with Allosaurus or Stegosaurus Herbivore 4 $3,990 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce the arrival of the world's misnamed sauropod, Apatosaurus. This long-necked jurassic herbivore had to eat a lot of plants every day to maintain its large size."
JWE Archaeornithomimus
Archaeornithomimus Must Be Unlocked with Gallimimus Herbivore 3 $3,000 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announced the arrival of this chicken-like dinosaur, Archaeornithomimus."
Argentinosaurus Unlocked with Apatosaurus Herbivore 5 $12,50 Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now pleased to show you the Argentinosaurus, one of the world's largest dinosaurs.
Arrhinoceratops Unlocked with Ankylosaurus and Triceratops Herbivore 4 $9250 Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now ready for Arrhinoceratops to be displayed, please enjoy.
Astrodon johnstoni
Astrodon Must Be Unlocked with Camarasaurus Herbivore 3 $4.200 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now pleased to feature our newest dinosaur, Astrodon, is now on display."
Avaceratops Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 $2,490 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are ready for Avaceratops to be displayed."
Pcab066 avimimus eb15
Avimimus Unlocked with Gallimimus Omnivore 1 $1,245 Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to welcome Avimimus to the park.
Bactrosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 4 $3,900 Ladies and Gentlemen, Bactrosaurus is now ready for displayment for the park
Barosaurus Must be Unlocked with Stegosaurus Herbivore 5 $4,740 Ladies and Gentlemen, Barosaurus is now ready for display, everyone, please enjoy.
JWE Baryonyx
Baryonyx Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 4 $4,200 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announced our rescued dinosaur from the sewer, Baryonyx."
Beipiaosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 $1,995 Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now ready to display, Beipiaosaurus to the park.
Bonitasaura JWTG
Bonitasaura Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 5 4,740 Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special announcement, Bonitasaura is ready to be displayed, everyone enjoy.
JWE Brachiosaurus
Brachiosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 5 $4,740 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special announcement, a new five-star attraction is now on display: Brachiosaurus. The gigantic Jurassic herbivore is the largest dinosaur in the park. Nature lovers must see this magnificent dinosaur, which embodies the might and majesty of the Mesozoic world."
Brachyceratops Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 1 $1,245 Ladies and Gentlemen, Brachyceratops is ready for display. please enjoy.
Brachylophosaurus-v4 4ac9
Brachylophosaurus Unlocekd Herbivore 4 $2,90 Ladies and Gentllemen, we are pleased to announce the arrival of our latest attraction, Brachylophosaurus to the park.
Dc card Callovosaurus
Callovosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 3 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, we are happy to announce the arrival of Callovosaurus, please enjoy.
JWE Camarasaurus
Camarasaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 3 $3,240 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are happy to announce the arrival of our newest dinosaur. The Jurassic herbivore: Camarasaurus. Nature-lovers should put this gentle giant on their must-see list."
Camptosaurus PD
Camptosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 4 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, we're exited to add a new species to the park, Camptosaurus, one of the newest dinosaurs nature-lovers want to put on their list.
JWE Carcharodontosaurus
Carcharodontosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 4 $4,200 "Ladies and gentlemen, we're excited to announce our newest attraction from the bone beds of Northern Africa, Carcharodontosaurus. Visitors disturbed by the sight of blood should consult a physician before viewing this magnificent dinosaur."
JWE Carnotaurus
Carnotaurus Must Be Unlocked with Tyrannosaurus Carnivore 2 $5.000 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to welcome our newest dinosaur. The South American Cretaceous carnivore: Carnotaurus."
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Centrosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 3,000 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we wish to announce our newest Cretaceous herbivore, Centrosaurus, is now on display. Please enjoy."
JWE Ceratosaurus
Ceratosaurus Unlocked in 1 Game Setting Carnivore 2 $2,100 "Ladies and gentlemen, we wish to announce that the Jurassic carnivore, Ceratosaurus, is now on display. Please enjoy."
Cetiosaurus1 9401
Cetiosaurus Unlocked in a Game Setting Herbivore 5 $4,790 Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now ready for the arrival of the whale lizard named sauropod, Cetiosaurus.
Charonosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 3 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen,Charonosaurus is now ready to be displayed.
JWE Chasmosaurus
Chasmosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 $1,995 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we wish to announce that the Cretaceous herbivore: Chasmosaurus, is now on display."
Chialingosaurus BW
Chialingosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, Chialongosaurus is now ready to be put on display in the park.
Walking.with.Dinosaurs.3D.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264.YIFY.avi snapshot 00.46.28 -2017.03.27 14.58
Chirostenotes Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 1 $3,000 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are happy announce the arrival of our newest dinosaur. The cretaceous herbivore: Chirostenotes, is now on display in the park. Please enjoy the newest dinosaur."
JWE Chungkingosaurus
Chungkingosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 4 $3,980 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce the arrival of our latest attraction, the Cretaceous Herbivore from Asia: Chungkingosaurus. It seem to be quite primitive when compared to other stegosaurs."
WWDBook Coelophysis
Coelophysis Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 1 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, Coelophysis is now ready to be displayed in the park.
JWE Compsognathus
Compsognathus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 2 $2,398 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce our cute, but dangerous dinosaurs, Compsognathus. Please enjoy"
Concavenator in Jurassic World Evolution
Concavenator Unlocked with Spinosaurus Carnivore 5 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, Concavenator is now being ready to display in the park.
JWE Corythosaurus
Corythosaurus Must Be Unlocked once Star Rating increases Herbivore 3 $1,240 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we're happy to announce the Cretaceous herbivore, Corythosaurus, is now on display in the park."
JWE Crichtonsaurus
Crichtonsaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 3 1,240 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce the arrival of our newest dinosaur, Crichtonsaurus. A fairly small genus of ankylosaur that lived in China is now on display."
DR Cryolophosaurus
Cryolophosaurus Carnivore $?,???
Daspletosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 5 $5,000 "Ladies and gentlemen, we are happy to announce the arrival of our newest addition to our park. The Cretaceous carnivore from North America, Daspletosaurus. It is a possible contender for social interaction leading to pack hunting."
Deinocheirus in Jurassic World Evolution
Deinocheirus Unlocked with Velocriraptor Herbivore 12 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like to announce Deinocheirus to the park.
Rjpalmer denversaurus 001
Denversaurus Unlocked with Stegosaurus Herbivore 4 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, Denversaurus is now ready for display.
Dicraeosaurus dbwc
Dicraeosaurus Unlocked with Allosaurus Herbivore 4 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, we are leased to welcome Diceraeosaurus, who is now ready to be put on display.
JWE Deinonychus
Deinonychus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 5 $4,350 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce, the feathered, but dangerous, Deinonychus. This in turn is better provided for by being warm blooded,‭ ‬which in turn again requires adaptations for conserving body heat."
JWE Dilophosaurus
Dilophosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 2 $2,100 "Ladies and gentlemen, we're pleased to announce that the Jurassic predator, Dilophosaurus, is now on display. Please enjoy."
JWE Diplodocus
Diplodocus Unlocked with Ankylosaurus Herbivore 4 $4,740 "Ladies and gentlemen, we are now pleased to welcome the mighty Jurassic plant-eater, Diplodocus, is now on display."
JWE Dracorex
Dracorex Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 3 $1,469 "Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to welcome the newest dinosaur, Dracorex to the park. This dinosaur was identified after the discovery of a spectacular skull. Please Enjoy!"
JWE Dreadnoughtus
Dreadnoughtus Must Be Unlocked with Brachiosaurus Herbivore 5 $7,000 "Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to announce the arrival of our newest dinosaur, Dreadnoughtus. It is yet another example of the large titanosaurs that were living in South America all the way to the end of the Cretaceous period."
Dromaeosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 1 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now ready to display, Dromeaosaurus, one of the fastest dinosaurs.
4609358645 cf568559ab z
Dromiceiomimus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 5 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, we're pleased to announce the fast, but small brained Dromiceiomimus to the park.
Jurassic World Evolution Screenshot 2019.09.17 - 21.35.46
Dryosaurus Unlocked with Ceratosaurus in same game setting. Herbivore 1 $1,245 "Ladies and gentlemen, we're pleased to announce that the gentle Jurassic herbivore, Dryosaurus, is now on display."
Th kindlephoto-5906367946
Edmontonia Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 1 $2,067 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like to introduce our newest dinosaur, Edmontonia to the park."
JWE Edmontosaurus
Edmontosaurus Starting Dinosaur with Albertosaurus Herbivore 3 $3,240 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce the arrival of our latest attraction, Edmontosaurus. It is truly a delight to observe the natural grace of these gentle giants."
20191224030518 1
Einiosaurus Unlocked with Triceratops Herbivore 4 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, the bison lizard, Einiosaurus is ready to charge into the park, everybody enjoy.
Jurassic Park Institute Elaphrosaurus
Elaphrosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 1 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, the fastest dinosaur, Elephrosaurus is ready to run on over to the park.
3450345850 925eae7907 b
Eocarcharia Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 5 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now ready for Eocharia to be displayed.
1280px-Eolambia restoration
Eolambia Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 1 $2,879 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to welcome the Cretaceous herbivore, Eolambia."
Eoraptor dbwc
Eoraptor Must be Unlocked with Dilophosaurus and Velociraptor Carnivore 5 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, the early theropod, Eoraptor is now ready for displaying, everyone enjoy.
Erlikosaurus JWTG
Erlikosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, we're happy and exited to welcome Erlikosaurus to the park.
JWE Euoplocephalus
Euoplocephalus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 4 $3,990 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to invite you all to our next latest addition, Euoplocephalus, is now on display." snapshot 13.36 -2017.03.14 19.45
Eustreptospondylus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 3 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, the Oceanic allosaur, Eustreptospondylus is ready to roar on into the park.
JWE Gallimimus
Gallimimus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 3 $2,745 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we invite you to inspect our latest addition to the park. The rare Asian dinosaur, Gallimimus, is now being exhibited. Please enjoy."
JFC Gastonia 99ef
Gastonia Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 4 $3,990 "Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to announce, the Gastonia to the collection of the park."
JWE Giganotosaurus
Giganotosaurus Unlocked with Spinosaurus Carnivore 5 $4,740 "Ladies and gentlemen, don't fear, we now have the biggest of all the theropods, Giganotosaurus. Like other giant carnivores, it's a powerful animal and needs strong fences to contain it."
Gigantocephalus JWTG
Gigantocephalus Must Be Cloned with Giganotosaurus and Euoplocephalus Herbivore 4 $3,990
Gigantoraptor Unlocked by Indoraptor and Velociraptor Omnivore 5 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce Giganotorator to our collection of dinosaurs here on display at Jurassic World, everyone enjoy.
JWE Gigantspinosaurus
Gigantspinosaurus Unlocked by Stegosaurus Herbivore 4 $3,990 "Ladies and Gentleman, we are pleased to announce that the asian Cretaceous herbivore: Gigantspinosaurus, is now on display. Please enjoy."
Giraffatitan (V2)
Giraffatitan Unlocked by Brachiosaurus/Brachiosaurus Study in Kenya Herbivore 5 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, a former species of brachiosaurus, who is now seperated, has a bigger body than it's north American cousion, we are happy to have Giraffatitan for everybody to enjoy.
Gongxianosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, we are ready for Gongxiangosaurus to be displayed.
Screenshot 2020-05-25 at 1.22
Gorgosaurus Unlocked with Tyrannosaurus Carnivore 4 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, we're happy to welcome Gorgosaurus to the park.
Gryposaurus Unlocked with Iguanodon Herbivore 2 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now ready for Gryposaurus to be displayed.
Guanlong in Jurassic World Evolution
Guanlong Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 1 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, this asian dilophosaur, Guanlong is ready to meet you, you don't want to miss this new member.
JWE Herrerasaurus
Herrerasaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 5 $45,90 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are happy to annonce the arrival of out newest attraction, the wild South American Predator, Herrerasaurus. Please enjoy."
Jurassic World Evolution Screenshot 2019.09.17 - 21.16.02
Homalocephale Must Be Unlocked in Area Fossils are priced. Herbivore 3 $2,745 "Ladies and gentlemen, we are happy to announce the arrival of our new attraction; the exotic Asian herbivore Homalocephale. Please enjoy these cute little critters."
Hypracosaurus NT
Hypacrosaurus Unlocked with Corythosaurus Herbivore 3 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, Hypracanthosaurus is ready to be displated to the park.
JWE Huayangosaurus
Huayangosaurus Unlocked with Stegosaurus and Kentrosaurus Herbivore 4 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, this newer asian stegosaur, Huyanngosaurus is ready for everyone to visit.
Hypsilophodon (V2)
Hypsilophodon Unlocked with Iguanodon Herbivore 2 $?,??? Ladies and Gentlemen, Hypsilodon is ready for displaysion, all nature lovers must enjoy.
JWE Iguanodon
Iguanodon Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 $2,490 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to welcome the newest arrival of the dinosaur, Iguanodon. Please enjoy!"
JWE Indominus Rex
Indominus Rex Must Be Cloned with Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor Carnivore 5 $89,04 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now pleased to welcome our hybrid dinosaur, Indominus Rex to the park, please enjoy."
JWE Indoraptor
Indoraptor Must Be Cloned with Indominus Rex and Velociraptor Carnivore 5 $9,000 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now pleased to welcome our latest guest, Indoraptor to the park."
Irritator in Jurassic World Evolution
Irritator Carnivore $?,???
Isisaurus Herbivore $?,???
Janenschia Herbivore $?,???
JWE Kentrosaurus
Kentrosaurus Must Be Unlocked and support Stegosaurus Herbivore 2 $1,995 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we wish to bring to your attention that the rare African Stegosaur, Kentrosaurus, is now on display in the park."
Kritosaurus Herbivore $?,???
Lambeosaurus dbwc
Lambeosaurus Herbivore $?,???
Leptoceratops gracilis by patriatyrannus 0f5d
Leptoceratops Herbivore $?,???
Lexovisaurus DK69
Lexovisaurus Herbivore $?,???
Loricatosaurus by fafnirx dd5a56q-fullview
Loricatosaurus Herbivore $?,???
Lurdusaurus Herbivore $?,???
Lythronax JWTG
Lythronax Carnivore $?,???
JWE Maiasaura
Maiasaura Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 3 $3,240 "Ladies and gentlemen, we are happy to announce the arrival of the good mothered lizard, Maiasaura, is now a resident of the park."
JWE Majungasaurus
Majungasaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 2 $2,100 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce the arrival of our newest dinosaur. The Cretaceous carnivore: Majungasaurus."
JWE Mamenchisaurus
Mamenchisaurus Unlocked with Brachiosaurus Herbivore 5 $4,740 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we're pleased to announce the arrival of our latest attraction, Mamenchisaurus, the Cretaceous herbivore. Please enjoy!"
Masiakasaurus Carnivore $?,???
Mapusaurus Carnivore $?,???
Megalosaurus JWTG
Megalosaurus Carnivore $?,???
Megaraptor dbwc
Megaraptor Carnivore $?,???
JWE Metriacanthosaurus
Metriacanthosaurus Must Be unlocked with Spinosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Carnivore 4 $4,200 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we wish to announce that the Jurassic carnivore, Metriacanthosaurus, is now on display. Please enjoy."
Monoclonius Herbivore $?,???
Monolophosaurus in Jurassic World Evolution
Monolophosaurus Carnivore $?,???
Monostegotops JWTG
Monostegotops Must Be Cloned with Monolophosaurus and Stegoceratops Herbivore 5 $4,740
JWE Muttaburrasaurus
Muttaburrasaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 $3,240 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce the arrival of the Cretaceous Herbivore of Australia, Mutturaburrasaurus to the park."
Nasutoceratops Unlocked with Triceratops Herbivore 4 $3,990 "Ladies and Gentlemen, We are happy to announce that the Cretaceous Herbivore of Asia, Nasutoceratops."
Diceratops DKA
Nedoceratops Herbivore $?,???
Nemegtosaurus Herbivore $?,???
Neovenator-FunkMonk ce94
Neovenator Carnivore $?,???
Ss 6abd0c9e443e4a09a21115b55f6b2e25339b8b25
Nigersaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 3 $3,240 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we're happy to announce the debut of our newest attraction, Nigersaurus. Please enjoy."
Noasaurus Carnivore $?,???
JWE Nodosaurus
Nodosaurus Must be unlocked with Ankylosaurus and Stegosaurus Herbivore 4 $3,900 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce the arrival of our newest attraction, Nodosaurus. Please enjoy this armored herbivore."
JWE Olorotitan
Olorotitan Unlocked with Parasaurolophus Herbivore 3 $1,240 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now pleased and happy to announce the arrival of our newest edition to the park. The Cretaceous Herbivore of Russia, Olorotitan."
Omeisaurus Herbivore $?,???
Opisthocoelicaudia Herbivore $?,??? snapshot 04.10 -2017.01.03 11.01
Ornitholestes Carnivore $?,???
Ornithomimus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 1 $1,245 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now pleased to welcome the speedy Cretaceous herbivore, Ornithomimus to the park. Please enjoy."
Ancient animals 449859 3840x2160
Orodromeus Herbivore $?,???
Ostafrikasaurus JWTG
Ostafrikasaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 4 $4,200
JWE Ouranosaurus
Ouranosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 $3,240 "Ladies and gentlemen, we're pleased to announce the arrival of our new and exotic herbivore from North Africa; Ouranosaurus stands out from the crowd, with her colorful sail and fun-loving attitude. Please enjoy this magnificent dinosaur."
JWE Pachycephalosaurus
Pachycephalosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 $1,995 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to inform you that we are now exhibiting the hard-hitting cretaceous herbivore, Pachycephalosaurus."
Pachyceratops JWTG
Pachyceratops Must Be Cloned with Pachycephalosaurus and Nasutoceratops Herbivore 4 $3,990
Pachygalosaurus JWTG
Pachygalosaurus Must Be Cloned with Pachyrhinosaurus and Megalosaurus Carnivore 5 $4,790
Screenshot 2020-05-28 at 11.28
Pachyrhinosaurus Herbivore $?,???
I-a04d41085570365e4cb0174c68b32b83-Panoplosaurus Jim Robins
Panoplosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 $1,995 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now pleased to feature the Cretaceous ankylosaur, Panoplosaurus."
Paralititan Herbivore $?,???
Parasaura JWTG
Parasaura Must Be Cloned with Parasaurolophus and Bonitasaura Herbivore 5 $4,790
JWE Parasaurolophus
Parasaurolophus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 3 $3,990 "Ladies and gentlemen, we're happy to announce the debut of our newest attraction, Parasaurolophus. Please enjoy the playful antics of this gentle herbivore."
Walking.with.Dinosaurs.3D.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264.YIFY.avi snapshot 00.18.04 -2017.03.27 14.58
Parksosaurus Herbivore $?,???
Patagotitan Herbivore $?,???
Pelecanimimus in Jurassic World Evolution
Pelecanimimus Herbivore $?,???
JWE Pentaceratops
Pentaceratops Unlocked with Triceratops and Chasmosaurus Herbivore 4 $3,990 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we're very excited to announce of our newest attraction, Pentaceratops, the three-horned Cretaceous herbivore."
JWE Polacanthus
Polacanthus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 $1,995 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now happy to represent the Cretaceous herbivore from Europe, Polacanthus to the park."
Prenocephale Herbivore $?,???
Tumblr f2a25cee9f138d3bba914a35223ca8d0 e03027ef 1280
Prenoceratops Herbivore $?,???
JWE Proceratosaurus
Proceratosaurus Must be Unlocked by Dilophosaurus and Velociraptor Carnivore 4 $4,200 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now happy to feature of our newest attraction of the park, Proceratosaurus, is now on display."
JPI Prosaurolophus
Prosaurolophus Herbivore $?,???
Screenshot 2020-05-25 at 1.18
Psittacosaurus Herbivore $?,???
JWE Pteranodon
Pteranodon Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Piscivore 4 $4,200 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we're happy to announce the arrival of our latest attraction, Pteranodon, is now on display. Please enjoy."
Quetzalcoatlus Piscivore $?,???
Rajasaurus JWTG
Rajasaurus Carnivore $?,???
3. Survival Tactics.mp4 snapshot 12.02 -2017.04.22 08.29
Rapetosaurus Herbivore $?,???
Raptorex NT
Raptorex Carnivore $?,???
Saichania Herbivore $?,???
Saltasaurus Herbivore $?,??? snapshot 02.40 -2017.01.04 10.11
Saurolophus Herbivore $?,???
JWE Sauropelta
Sauropelta Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 4 $3,900 "Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to announce the arrival of our newest attraction. The Cretaceous herbivore: Sauropelta, is now on display. Please enjoy."
Saurophaganax Carnivore $?,???
Sauroposeidon 1
Sauroposeidon Available with Tenontosaurus without extraction. Herbivore $?,???
Scolosaurus feeding
Scolosaurus Herbivore $?,???
Scutellosaurus-dinossite 27a7
Scutellosaurus Herbivore $?,???
Segnosaurus JWTG
Segnosaurus Herbivore $?,???
Shantungosaurus Herbivore $?,???
Shunosaurus in Jurassic World Evolution
Shunosaurus Herbivore $?,???
JWE Sinoceratops
Sinoceratops Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 5 $4,740 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are happy to announce the arrival of our latest attraction. Sinoceratops. Please enjoy."
JWE Spinoraptor
Spinoraptor Must Be Cloned with Spinoraptor and Utahraptor Carnivore 5 $4,740 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special announcement, the Spinoraptor is now ready to be visited, please enjoy."
JWE Spinosaurus
Spinosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 5 $4,950 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special announcement. A new 5-Star attraction has arrived in Jurassic World: Spinosaurus. A truly frightening predator from Cretaceous Africa is now on display. Visitors with heart conditions should consult a doctor before viewing this dinosaur."
JWE Stegoceratops
Stegoceratops Must Be Cloned with Stegosaurus and Triceratops Herbivore 5 $4,740 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we now feature the Stegoceratops to our collection, please enjoy."
JWE Stegosaurus
Stegosaurus Unlocked in 1 Game Setting along with Dryosaurus Herbivore 4 $3,990 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we're excited to announce the release of our latest attraction, Stegosaurus. This famous Jurassic herbivore is known and loved the world over. Please enjoy."
JWE Struthiomimus
Struthiomimus Unlocked with Gallimimus Herbivore 1 $1,245 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now pleased to welcome the ostrich-sloth Cretaceous herbivore, Struthiomimus, is now on display. Please enjoy."
JWE Stygimoloch
Stygimoloch Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 3 $1,995 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a new attraction with our latest attraction, Stygimoloch, is now on display in the park."
JWE Styracosaurus
Styracosaurus Must Be Unlocked to support Triceratops Herbivore 2 $1,995 "Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to announce the arrival of our newest attraction. The spiky Cretaceous herbivore, Styracosaurus. Please enjoy."
JWE Suchomimus
Suchomimus Unlocked with Spinosaurus Carnivore 4 $4,200 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we're now ready to meet Suchomimus, one of the stranger looking dinos in our park, please enjoy!"
Supersaurus JWTG
Supersaurus Herbivore $?,???
Suprannotitan JWTG
Suprannotitan Must Be Cloned with Supersaurus and Tyrannotitan Carnivore 5 $?,???
JPI Szechuanosaurus
Szechuanosaurus Carnivore $?,??? snapshot 19.34 -2016.08.30 16.49
Tarbosaurus Carnivore $?,???
Tarchia Herbivore $?,???
Tenontosaurus BW c5e3
Tenontosaurus Unlocked in 1 Game Setting Herbivore 2 $2,490 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now pleased for our newest member, Tenontosaurus, is now on display."
Therizinosaurus Herbivore $?,???
Thescelosaurus 787 600x450
Thescelosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 $1,995 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like to announce the arrival of Thescelosaurus, a small running herbivore to the park."
Dc card Tornieria big
Tornieria Herbivore $?,???
JWE Torosaurus
Torosaurus Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 2 $2,490 "Ladies and gentlemen, we are happy to announce the arrival of our newest dinosaur. Torosaurus, this feisty herbivore from Cretaceous USA will entertain everyone."
Torvosaurus Carnivore $?,???
JWE Triceratops
Triceratops Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Herbivore 5 $4,740 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special announcement. Our newest five-star attraction, the heroic herbivore, Triceratops, is now on display. This gentle giant will put a smile on the faces of those visitors who longed to see a vegetarian who fights back. Please Enjoy!"
JWE Troodon
Troodon Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 4 $4,200 "Ladies and Gentlemen, Troodon, one of the smartest dinosaurs, is ready for display."
JWE Tsintaosaurus
Tsintaosaurus Unlocked with Parasaurolophs Herbivore 3 $3,990 "Ladies and Gentlemen, Tsintaosaurus is now ready for displaying in the park. Please enjoy!"
Tuojiangosaurus web
Tuojiangosaurus Herbivore $?,???
JWE Tyrannosaurus
Tyrannosaurus Unlockable on Site B in Judith River Group Carnivore 5 $4,740 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special announcement. A new 5-Star attraction has arrived in Jurassic World: Tyrannosaurus. The most feared predator of the Cretaceous Era is now hunting for your entertainment. For those visitors who like their excitement, with a dash of danger, this is one attraction that will really grab you."
Tyrannotitan in Jurassic World Evolution
Tyrannotitan Carnivore $?,???
JWE Velociraptor
Velociraptor Must Be Unlocked/ Unlockable Carnivore 5 $4,740 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we're very proud to announce the arrival of our latest attraction: Velociraptor. Don't let their size fool you, these raptors are destined to be one of our most entertaining exhibits. Please enjoy these dinosaurs, safe in the knowledge that visitor safety is our top priority."
Wuerhosaurus 20140412 1f0c
Wuerhosaurus Unlocked with Stegosaurs Herbivore 4 $3,990 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now riside the Stegosaurus' smaller cousin, Wuerhosarus to the park."
Yangchuanosaurus-shangiouensis-sergey-krasovskiy 7367
Yangchuanosaurus Unlocked with Allosaurus Carnivore 4 $4,200 "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are happy to announce the arrival of the chinese allosaur, Yangchuanosaurus, is now on existed. Please enjoy!"
Yudon JWTG
Yudon Must Be Cloned with Yutyrannus and Troodon Carnivore 5 $?,???
Yutyrannus JWTG
Yutyrannus Carnivore 5 $4,950
Zhuchengtyrannus in Jurassic World Evolution
Zhuchengtyrannus Carnivore $?,???
JPI Zizhongosaurus
Zizhongosaurus Herbivore $?,???

Behavior status[]

  • Agitated
  • Attacking fence
  • Attacking guests
  • Content
  • Drinking
  • Dying
  • Feeding
  • Fighting
  • Fighting for dominance
  • Fleeing
  • Healing
  • Hungry
  • Hunting
  • Lonely
  • Looking for food
  • Looking for water
  • Overcrowded
  • Panicking
  • Roaming
  • Sleeping
  • Socializing
  • Thirsty


  • Common Cold
  • Hookworm
  • Campylobacter Bacteria
  • Bracken Poisoning
  • Cryptosporidium
  • Avian Influenza
  • E. coli
  • Mycotoxins
  • Ammonia Poisoning
  • Avian Pox
  • Rabies
  • Respiratory Malaise
  • Tick
  • Algae Poisoning
  • Tapeworm
  • Tuberculosis
  • Salmonella
  • Foot and Mouth Disease

Dig sites[]

Dig Site Location Dinosaurs Found
Antlers Formation Oklahoma, USA Acrocanthosaurus, Astrodon, Deinonychus, Sauroposeidon and Tenontosaurus
Arundel Formation Maryland, USA Astrodon, Deinonychus and Tenontosaurus
Bajo de la Carpa Formation Neuquen Province, Argentina Bonitasaura
Bahariya Formation Gebel - El-Dist, Egypt Carcharodontosaurus, Paralititan and Spinosaurus
Bayan Shireh Formation Gobi Desert, Mongolia Erlikosaurus and Segnosaurus
Candeleros Formation Neuquen Province, Argentina Giganotosaurus
Cedar Mountain Formation Eastern Utah, USA Acrocanthosaurus, Deinonychus, Eolambia, Gastonia, Sauropelta, Tenontosaurus and Utahraptor
Cerro Barcino Formation Chubut Province, Argentina Patagotitan and Tyrannotitan
Cerro Fortaleza Formation Santa Cruz, Argentina Dreadnoughtus
Chenini Formation Tataouine, Tunisia Carcharodontosaurus and Spinosaurus
Cloverly Formation Utah, USA Acrocanthosaurus, Deinonychus, Sauropelta, Sauroposeidon and Tenontosaurus
Dinosaur Park Formation Alberta, Canada Centrosaurus, Chasmosaurus, Chirostenotes, Corythosaurus, Daspletosaurus, Dromaeosaurus, Edmontonia, Euoplocephalus, Lambeosaurus, Monoclonius, Ornithomimus, Panoplosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Pentaceratops, Scolosaurus, Styracosaurus and Troodon
Elrhaz Formation Tenere Desert, Niger Eocarcharia, Lurdusaurus, Nigersaurus, Ouranosaurus and Suchomimus
Ferris Formation Wyoming, USA Ankylosaurus, Ornithomimus, Stygimoloch, Thescelosaurus and Tyrannosaurus
Forest Marble Formation Bedfordshire, UK Cetiosaurus and Iguanodon
Frenchman Formation Saskatchewa, Canada Ankylosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Torosaurus, Thescelosaurus and Tyrannosaurus
Frontier Formation Wyoming, USA Nodosaurus
Hanson Formation Antarctica Cryolophosaurus
Hell Creek Formation Montana, USA Ankylosaurus, Denversaurus, Dracorex, Edmontosaurus, Ornithomimus, Pachycephalosaurus, Stygimoloch, Thescelosaurus, Torosaurus, Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus
Horseshoe Canyon Formation Alberta, Canada Albertosaurus, Anchiceratops, Arrhinoceratops, Daspletosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Edmontonia, Hypacrosaurus, Ornithomimus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Panoplosaurus, Parksosaurus, Saurolophus and Struthiomimus
Huincul Formation Neuquen Province, Argentina Argentinosaurus and Mapusaurus
Hythe Formation Kent, UK Iguanodon
Iguanodon Mine Bernissart, Belgium Iguanodon
Iren Dabasu Formation Inner Mongolia, China Archaeornithomimus, Bactrosaurus, Gigantoraptor and Velociraptor
Ischigualasto Formation San Juan Province, Argentina Eoraptor and Herrerasaurus
Judith River Formation Montana, USA Avaceratops, Brachylophosaurus, Daspletosaurus, Dromaeosaurus, Monoclonius and Troodon
Kaiparowits Formation Utah, USA Dromaeosaurus, Gryposaurus, Nasutoceratops and Parasaurolophus
Kayenta Formation Arizona, USA Coelophysis, Dilophosaurus and Scutellosaurus
Kirtland Formation New Mexico, USA Kritosaurus, Parasaurolophus and Pentaceratops
La Colonia Formation Chubut Province, Argentina Carnotaurus
La Huérguina Formation Cuenca, Spain Concavenator and Pelecanimimus
Lameta Formation Western India, India Isisaurus and Rajasaurus
Lance Formation Wyoming, USA Ankylosaurus, Denversaurus, Edmontosaurus, Edmontonia, Nedoceratops, Pachycephalosaurus, Stygimoloch, Thescelosaurus, Torosaurus, Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus
Lecho Formation Salta, Argentina Noasaurus and Saltasaurus
Maevarano Formation Mahajanga Basin, Madagascar Majungasaurus, Masiakasaurus and Rapetosaurus
Mackunda Formation Queensland, Australia Muttaburrasaurus
Morrison Formation Colorado, USA Allosaurus, Apatosaurus, Barosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Camarasaurus, Camptosaurus, Diplodocus, Dryosaurus, Ornitholestes, Saurophaganax, Stegosaurus, Supersaurus and Torvosaurus
Nemegt Formation Gobi Desert, Mongolia Alioramus, Anserimimus, Avimimus, Deinocheirus, Gallimimus, Homalocephale, Nemegtosaurus, Opisthocoelicaudia, Prenocephale, Raptorex, Saichania, Saurolophus, Tarbosaurus, Tarchia, Therizinosaurus and Velociraptor
Niobrara Formation Canada, USA Pteranodon
Ojo Alamo Formation New Mexico, USA Alamosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Hypacrosaurus and Quetzalcoatlus
Oldman Formation Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Canada Albertaceratops, Anchiceratops, Brachylophosaurus, Chasmosaurus, Corythosaurus, Daspletosaurus, Dromaeosaurus, Maiasaura, Parasaurolophus, Saurornitholestes, Scolosaurus, Struthiomimus and Troodon
Oxford Clay Formation Weymouth, UK Callovosaurus, Eustreptospondylus, Lexovisaurus, Loricatosaurus and Metriacanthosaurus
Portezuelo Formation Neuquen Province, Argentina Megaraptor
Romualdo Formation Pernambuco, Brazil Irritator
Scollard Formation Alberta, Canada Ankylosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Leptoceratops, Pachycephalosaurus, Thescelosaurus, Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus
Shaximiao Formation Sichuan, China Chialingosaurus, Chungkingosaurus, Gigantspinosaurus, Huayangosaurus, Mamenchisaurus, Omeisaurus, Shunosaurus, Szechuanosaurus, Tuojiangosaurus and Yangchuanosaurus
Shishugou Formation Xinjiang, China Guanlong, Mamenchisaurus and Monolophosaurus
Snow Hill Island Formation James Ross Island, Antarctica Antarctopelta
Solnhofen Formation Kelheim, Germany Compsognathus
Taynton Limestone Formation Oxfordshire, England Megalosaurus
Tendaguru Formation Mkoa Wa Mtwara, Tanzania Dicraeosaurus, Elaphrosaurus, Giraffatitan, Janenschia, Kentrosaurus, Ostafrikasaurus and Tornieria
Tugulu Group Xinjiang, China Psittacosaurus and Wuerhosaurus
Twin Mountains Formation Texas, USA Acrocanthosaurus, Sauroposeidon and Tenontosaurus
Two Medicine Formation Montana, USA Achelousaurus, Brachyceratops, Chirostenotes, Daspletosaurus, Dromaeosaurus, Edmontonia, Einiosaurus, Euoplocephalus, Gorgosaurus, Gryposaurus, Hypacrosaurus, Maiasaura, Orodromeus, Prenoceratops, Prosaurolophus, Scolosaurus and Styracosaurus
Udurchukan Formation Amur Oblast, Russia Amurosaurus and Olorotitan
Wahweap Group Utah, USA Brachylophosaurus and Lythronax
Weald Clay Formation England, UK Baryonyx and Iguanodon
Wessex Formation Southern England, UK Baryonyx, Hypsilophodon, Iguanodon, Neovenator and Polacanthus
Xingezhuang Formation Shandong, China Shantungosaurus, Sinoceratops and Zhuchengtyrannus
Yixian Formation Liaoning, China Beipiaosaurus and Yutyrannus
Yuliangze Formation Heilonjiang, China Charonosaurus, Crichtonsaurus and Tsintaosaurus
Ziliujing Formation Dashanpu, China Gongxianosaurus, Mamenchisaurus and Zizhongosaurus


There are three different structures such as Operations, Visitors and Enclosures.

Below is a list of buildings and attractions in-game:

  • Gyro Station
  • Hammond Creation Lab
  • Helipad
  • Monorail Station
  • Traders
  • Innovation Center
  • ACU Center
  • Expedition Center
  • Fossil Center
  • Research Center
  • Science Center
  • Security Center
  • Power Station
  • Ranger Station
  • Storm Defense Station
  • Fast-Food
  • Viewing Platform
  • Emergency Shelters
  • Hotel
  • Bowling Alley
  • Fossil Zone
  • The Bar
  • Restaurant
  • Clothes Shop
  • Advanced Storm Defence Station
  • Greenhouse
  • Jurassic Tour