Fox McCloud is the hero of the Star Fox series of videogames and is an expert space-pilot as well as a skilled fighter in both armed and unarmed combat.
Fox plays as Aladdin in Foxladdin (Rareware Entertainment Style)[]
Fox plays Nightwolf in Animal Kombat 3 (Vinnytovar Style)[]
He is a Native American Fighter of Mortal Kombat
Fox plays Luigi in SuperNickRobin (SuperMarioLogan)[]
Fox plays himself in Treasure Planet (MegaZeroX Style)[]
He is a guest character of Star Fox as a hero, which was a friend with Fievel Mouskewitz
He is played by Sunset Shimmer in Star Girl Adventures
in Super CharlieBrownandSci-TwiFans Bros. Series He is Played By Remy