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This is a transcript for Franklin World (SpongeTommy SquarePickles).

  • Tommy: [reads the newspaper while sipping a drink] Ah, I don't know how you do it, Dil, but that's the best cup of french toast I've ever had.
  • Dil: [sitting on the counter] Meow.
  • Tommy: [puts on his hat] Well, time to punch that clock. [walks to his living room] But not before checking my motivational Quote-a-Day calendar. [calendar reads "June 21"] You are a winner. [hugs himself then looks back at the calendar and gasps] And today's the first day of summer! [cut to the Krusty Pickle where the bored Anger is at the register. Tommy walks through the doors with a pink flower around his head. He tosses flower petals in the air] Happy first day of summer, Anger! [walks over to Anger] Care to join me for solstice caroling? [sings in a high voice] Walking in the grass, it's so fine, don't need shoes in the summertime! [tosses flower petals at Anger]
  • Anger: I'm not much of a summer person, Tommy.
  • Stu: Davy Jones on the jib! Do my ears deceive me? Is it really the first day of summer? Is it?
  • Tommy: [chuckles] Yeah.
  • Stu: [does a few back flips in the air] Whee-hoo! [runs over to the window]
  • Tommy: [walks up to him] Gee, Daddy, you sure have a scorching case of summer fever! [turns around] What is it about summertime that makes us so happy? The firefly-lit nights, the intoxicating aroma of charcoal briquette, the hypnotic sound of a lawnmower running over a flip-flop?
  • Stu: The money!
  • Tommy: The money?
  • Stu: Er, uh... I mean, uh... the characters!
  • Tommy: Oh.
  • Stu: You see, boy, during this summer, the characters are excused from their classes. A recess commonly referred to as summer break. [sits down on a chair and Tommy sits on his lap]
  • Tommy: Tell me more about summer break. [a school bell rings and all the characters run out of the school]
  • Stu: Well, during this summer break, the characters wander the planet earth unsupervised. Their pockets lined with allowance. [Periwinkle runs by with a full pocket of coins] Free to spend their money without any parental guidance whatsoever. [pulls down a menu] I guess that's what I like best. [puts a sticker labeled '4.99' next to the Kiddie Meal] Sure, I suppose some would try and take advantage of this situation by selling them toys or candy, but I sleep well at night with the knowledge that I'm providing them with something they need: a nutritious meal. [goes over to the front window] Come here, you little piggies!
  • Tommy: I've been taught the true meaning of summer.
  • Narrator: Later... [Stu is still standing at the window with the same expression on his face]
  • Tommy: [walks up] Almost closing time, Dad.
  • Stu: What? But that's impossible. [sobs] What about the money? I mean uh... uh... what about the characters? [Tommy shrugs as Stu sighs] I guess summer isn't coming this year.
  • Tommy: Hey, maybe they're all at that new playground over there. [points at a playground where characters are playing]
  • Stu: Playground? Luring away me young customers? Warm up the car, Tommy. [cut to the playground. Tommy and Stu pull up in their car. They peek out using a pair of binoculars]
  • Tommy: See anything, Dad?
  • Stu: Oh, they're here, all right. Just look at them, Tommy. [Isa and Tico are swinging] So weak and malnourished. [Oswald is eating a lollipop] With nobody trying to sell 'em nothing. [Steve slides down a slide] Breaks me heart. [cries] No! I've got nothing to live for, Tommy!
  • Tommy: The way you drove the car while lying on the ground was kind of cool.
  • Stu: True. But that's not gonna get these munchkins away from this playground. Unless... hmmm... see you tomorrow, boy. Got a lot of work to do. [drives off]
  • Tommy: You got it, Dad... hey! [cut to Tommy walking to the Krusty Pickle] Another day, another dollar. Gee, I wonder what my dad has been up to since I saw him last and then went home to do nothing of particular interest 'til this very moment. [stares at something in the distance] Huh? [a group of Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald characters are lined up at the Krusty Pickle where a sign reads "Franklin World" is hanging. A giant sheet is covering some sort of area. Tommy walks up to Stu]
  • Stu: Tommy! [sticks the hammer in his belt] You're just in time for the grand unveiling of Franklin World!
  • Tommy: Franklin World, sir?
  • Stu: Yes, Franklin World! [holds up a sign] Where a kid can have fun... for Franklin fans. [laughs] Welcome to the Krusty Pickle, young man. What's your name?
  • Benny: Benny the Bull.
  • Stu: Nice to meet you, Benny. [picks him up and laughs]
  • Benny: Whee!
  • Stu: [shakes Benny and hears change in his pocket] Mmm... a-ha! [his eyes become dollar signs] Okay, money. I mean, err... characters. It's time for the grand unveiling of... money! I mean, Franklin World! [Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald characters cheer] Okay, characters, now promise Uncle Stu that if you get hungry while you're playing, you'll come inside for some delicious, nutritious tasty treats.
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: We promise.
  • Stu: All right. Here we go! I give you... Franklin World! [pulls off the sheet that covered the play area]
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: Yeah! [characters' cheers soon turn into frowns and shocked expressions. The play area is a bunch of cheap rides that break down. Henry tries a slide but it collapses as he tries it]
  • Henry: Whoa! Ooh, where am I?
  • Stu: Eh... that reminds me. I forgot to give you these coloring books/liability waivers! [holds up a stack of paper] Everyone who hands theirs back gets to meet the one and only Franklin the Turtle!
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: Yay!
  • Stu: Have fun and don't forget to eat plenty of vitamin-enriched Fly Pies. [holds up Fly Pie] Franklin the Turtle's favorite food.
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: We want Franklin! We want Franklin! We want Franklin! We want Franklin! We want Franklin! We want Franklin! We want Franklin! We want Franklin!
  • Tommy: [while characters are chanting "We want Franklin" eight times] Where is Franklin, Dad?
  • Stu: He'll be here after I count their money. Just stall 'em.
  • Tommy: Stall 'em? How do I do that?
  • Stu: I don't know. Be entertaining. [leaves]
  • Tommy: [turns around and sees the Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters, angry; he laughs nervously and waves] Hey, characters!
  • Dora: You're not Franklin the Turtle.
  • Tommy: No, I'm not. I'm uh... [puts on an Indiana Jones costume] I'm Franklin's beloved sidekick, Indiana Franklin..Umm... Turtle Jones!
  • Boots: Lame.
  • Tommy: Franklin will be here soon. He, uh, had to take the bus. But in the meantime, let's have some fun! You kids like bubbles? [picks up a bubble wand]
  • Steve: No.
  • Tommy: Well, you've never seen my bubbles. [blows a reptar bubble] Voila! A bubble shaped like Reptar. How 'bout that?
  • Blue: (Barks Still lame.) [bubble pops]
  • Tommy: [dips wand again] Okay, prepare to be blown back on your tailfins. [blows a seahorse bubble] Ta-da! [Oswald pops the bubble] Uh... huh.
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: You stink! Bring on the turtle!
  • Tommy: Okay, uh... and now for a finale! [starts blowing a bubble]
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo!
  • Tommy: [the bubble pops in his eyes making it red. He screams] My eyes! [screams and tips over a barrel] Whoa! [crashes into The Pit of Doom which is actually a dumpster then swings over a tire. Lands in a pool of bowling balls then the tire lands on him. Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters start to laugh Tommy then begins to think...] [Inner Monologue] They seem to respond to me being in pain. They enjoy other people's misery. [Normal speech] Hey, characters, check this out. [he picks up his bubble wand and drops it in the bubble soap then throws the wand away. Pours all the bubble soap in his eyes which swell up and he screams]
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: Woo-hoo!
  • Tommy: I got 'em right where I want 'em. [Tommy puts a piece of tape on his face and rips it off, revealing a portion of his face is missing and he screams]
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: Woo-hoo! Yeah!
  • Tommy: [lies on the ground with his tongue sticking out. A truck runs over his tongue over and over and he screams]
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha! [Tommy walks over to Bugs Bunny and hands him some money. Bugs Bunny hits him with a big hammer. Tommy gives two thumbs up] Yeah, woo! [Bugs Bunny smashes Tommy with a wrecking ball] Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha!
  • Tommy: [Tommy gives a thumbs-up. Later, Tommy is tied by two poles with Bugs Bunny holding a can of lima beans; screams as Bugs Bunny shoves a spoonful of lima beans in Tommy's mouth. All the characters cheer]
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: [laughing]
  • Tommy: [being used as a ball in Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck's ping pong game] Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: Yay! [Tommy's arms are getting stretched by Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck] Yeah! [Tommy is in two pieces but gives two thumbs up. Cut to Stu's office where he is counting the money he has received from the characters. Tommy enters his office in pieces]
  • Tommy: Ugh. Dad? I can't take any more of this stalling stuff.
  • Stu: Always thinking about yourself. Get out there and stall! What happened to your arms and legs, boy?
  • Tommy: The characters are using them as... boomerangs. [one of Tommy's legs flies in and back out]
  • Stu: Boomerangs? Oh no! They might break my windows!
  • Tommy: What are we gonna do?
  • Stu: Well, now that all their money's counted, tell them Franklin has just arrived!
  • Tommy: [hops on top of the table] Really? He's here? [bounces up and down] Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy!
  • Stu: Get out there and tell 'em!
  • Tommy: [walks outside] Listen, everybody. Franklin the Turtle is in the building!
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: Yay!
  • Tommy: Who do you want?
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: Franklin!
  • Tommy: When do you want him?
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: Now! Franklin, Franklin, Franklin! [all running up to Stu] Franklin! Hooray!
  • Stu: Hey, characters! Are you ready to meet Franklin the Turtle?
  • Tommy, Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: Yay!
  • Stu: All right, here you go! [turns around with a red hat, a red bandanna, and brown shell] Hey, characters! Uh, thank you all for coming! Thank you! Eat plenty of Fly Pies! [laughs and walks back toward his office, leaving the characters including Tommy puzzled] Ah, Stu, you've done it again!
  • Tommy: I'll say you have.
  • Stu: [turns around] Tommy?
  • Tommy: [frowning while almost in tears] How could you, Dad? You promised these characters Franklin the Turtle, but all I saw out there was... Cheapy the Cheapskate!
  • Stu: Hey, I ain't cheap! [takes off the hat, bandanna, and shell] Now take these things back to the closet before they spoil.
  • Tommy: But what about the true meaning of summer? What about the characters?
  • Stu: [walks to the window] The characters? I don't care about the characters! [starts to climb out the window] I just care about their parents' money. Ah, the fact that their feeble minds are easily manipulated by cheap playgrounds and talentless turtles is no skin off my shell! [climbs out] Survival of the fittest, Tommy! Survival of the fittest. [laughs]
  • Oswald: Ahem.
  • Stu: Huh? [angry characters are standing behind him] Oh, hey, characters. [smiles nervously] Uh... Uncle Stu has to go to the bank now. Heh.
  • Daisy: Get him! [all the characters run after him] 
  • Tommy: [inside, sounds of Stu Pickles getting beat up by the characters is heard as Tommy sighs] I suppose I'll never know the true meaning of summer. I thought I knew it once, but it was, a long, long time ago.
  • Anger: You mean this morning?
  • Tommy: Yeah. [a noise is heard outside]
  • Dora: Come on outside, Mr. Pickles.
  • Boots: It's a summer miracle!
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: [money is falling from the sky] Yay! Hooray!
  • Tommy: Wow, thousands of dollars fluttering in the breeze. I guess that's the true meaning of summer.
  • Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues, and Oswald Characters: Hooray! [Steve on top of the Krusty Pickle is throwing money down]
  • Tommy: Where's my dad? He's missing out on all this summer fun.
  • Stu: [is tied to poles like Tommy was earlier] Let me go! I gotta get some of that green stuff! [Bugs Bunny places a spoon of lima beans in front of him] No! Not that green stuff! [a lima bean truck backs up] Noooooooooo!
  • The End.