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Jelly Wakeman/XJ-8 is the main protagonist of the Nickelodeon animated series My Life as a Teenage Robot, Nickelodeon, Nick Jr: The Animated Series, and Power Friends. She is voiced by Lara Jill Miller. {{Character3|title1=Jelly Wakeman (XJ-8)|films=Nickelodeon: The Movie|portrayed_by=Lara Jill Miller|full_name=Jelly Wakeman|also_known_as=XJ-8|personality=Girly, goody-two-shoes, bubbly, giggly, helpful, ditzy, mindless|appearence=Cartoon|gender=Female|occupation=Girly-Girl Robot|alignment=Good|goal=Helping people|relative(s)=Jenny Wakeman/XJ-9 (older sister), Jessie Wakeman/XJ-7 (young sister), Nora Wakeman (mother)|works_for=Nora Wakeman|alies=Jelly, Goody-Two-Shoes (called by Linda)|minions=Unknown|enemies=Harvey Harington, Robbie Rotten, Swiper the Fox, Princess Amber, Rena Ryuugu|likes=Helping people, Childhood shows, rainbows, bunnies (cute animals), anything sparkly, anything pretty, anything girly|dislikes=Scary stuff, villains, remembering bad times, mature shows|parapheranlia=Unknown|fate=Unknown|quote(s)="I'm a helpful robot, am I? (giggles)", "Hi!", "Wanna play?", Easy Peasy, Rosie Posie!"|status=Unknown|equipment=Unknown|abilities=Flight, talk to animals|species=Robot|Nationality=American


Normal Appearance[]

Jelly stands at 6.6 feet (1.98 m) tall and weighs roughly 600 lbs. She has hot pink "pigtails" with bolts connecting them to her head that can act as rocket boosters, pink "bangs", white skin, pink "clothes" (a shirt, a miniskirt and boots), a belly-bolt (a bolt that simulates a belly button) which doubles as a linchpin (as mentioned in "Robot Race"), hands with 4 fingers each and center holes, a "false nose" (like her sisters).

Disguised human appearance[]

While disguised as a "human" in her Exo-Skin, Jelly had light skin with rosy cheeks. She had blonde hair tied into two pigtails with pink bows. She wears a pink go-go dress with flowers and white go-go boots.


Jelly is known for her girly-girl, and goody-two-shoes personality. As the optimist, Jelly always looks on the bright side of things and finds a solution to every situation she is involved in. She loves rainbows, bunnies, sparkles, kitties, puppies, lollipops, flowers and anything else girly. But despite being 13 years old, Jelly is quite ditzy and is very forgetful, absent-minded, perky and not that bright.

Special Abilities[]

Jelly can drive the tour bus, talk to bees, make a huge mess and clean in the form of a tornado and play her drums with her feet. Jelly can crush a handheld gaming device with her hand (as seen in The Legend of the Golden Slime). Jelly can also throw things far away as seen in "Jelly the Football Player, due to always pounding on the drums.


  • Nora WakemanSince Dr. Nora Wakeman is the one who designed and built Jelly and her sisters, she comes to view her as her mother. Like most mothers with teenage daughters, Dr. Wakeman and Jelly sometimes argue with each other, but Dr. Wakeman truly loves Jelly as if she was a biological daughter.
  • Amy RoseAmy is Jenny's first and best friend. She usually confides in her on her personal feelings and any other emotions she is going through. She often gives Jelly advice and helps her on missions, as well as normal teenager activities, while causing trouble of her own. She also usually goes on Jelly's side of things and protects her from harm.
  • Lindsay (Total Drama)Lindsay is the first human other than Jelly's mother, whom Jelly has come into contact with. While they first began their relationship in the first season, Lindsay often called Jelly a "freaky robot". She has grown more and more close to Jelly, though, finding her abilities she once feared to be rather "cool". Soon, Lindsay and Jelly grow a close bond together and became friends for all eternity.


This girl has star power! She's smart, she sings, and most importantly, she's a really good friend. Due to her bubbly personality, every person wants to follow and sing with her (mostly Amy Rose). And due to the fact she is mostly around Linda Loud when it comes to hanging out with her friends, Linda considers Jelly to be her best friend. She always makes it a point to turn to the camera and talk to the audience directly, ensuring that they stay at the center of all the action. It is also revealed that she loves childhood shows such as "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse", "Between the Lions", "Dora the Explorer", "Lalaloopsy", "Sesame Street", "Barney & Friends", "Blue's Clues", "Out of the Box", "Magical DoReMi", and the upcoming "Mickey Mouse Funhouse".


Jelly Wakeman

Jelly in her usual outfit.
