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Jill Andersen Official Image

Jill Andersen is a supporting character from the Disney/Pixar film Inside Out. She is Riley Andersen's mother.

She played Fa Li in Orianalan[]

She played Ellen O'Hara in Gone with the Wind (PrinceAnarioandPrincessOrianaRockz Style)[]

She played Queen Leah in Sleeping Beauty (160 Movies Style)[]

She is Aurora's mother

She played Ann Possible in Oriana Possible[]

She played Minka Kropotkin in RugKids[]

She played Tiana's Mother in The Princess and the ???[]

She played Queen in Tangled (160 Movies Style)[]

She played Chris MacNeil in The Exorcist (Hellfire44 Style)[]

She played Queen Elinor in Brave (160 Movies Human Style)[]



  • Inside Out (LooneyNelvanaTunesRockz Animal Style) - Jill Andersen is played by Mother Cat
  • Cartoons/Inside Out & Inside Out (Looney 1952 Style) - Jill Andersen is played by Elaine Kropotkin
  • Inside Out (Penelope Pussycat Style), Inside Out (CBS Movies Style), Inside Out (LooneyBomberDude420 Style), Inside Out (1961 Deitch Style), Inside Out (SuperLooneyDude Style), Inside Out (The Invasion CTW Style), Inside Out (2009 Ultimate Style), Inside Out (LooneyTunesVideoShowRockz Style), Inside Out (LooneyTunesTheCareBearsFamilyRockz Style), Inside Out (Looney Tunes Fantastic Island Adventure Style), Inside Out (NelvanaandLooneyTunesRockz Style) & Inside Out (The Care Bear Team Style) - Jill Andersen is played by Anastasia
  • Inside Out (1961 Ultra Style) & Inside Out (UltraLooneyDude Style) - Jill Andersen is played by Linda Gunderson
  • Inside Out (1961Rockz Style) - Jill Andersen is played by Petunia Pig
  • Inside Out (Looney 1961 Style) - Jill Andersen is played by Honey Lemon
  • Inside Out (UltraLooneyDude420 Style) - Jill Andersen is played by Melissa Raccoon

Jill Andersen playing in Elaine Kropotkin in Cartoons/Inside Out[]

