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Kelly Bundy

Kelly Bundy is the oldest child of Al and Peggy Bundy, the sister of Bud Bundy.

and is notorious for her extreme stupidity, and awkwardness (which may or may not have been inherited from her father) and promiscuity (which may or may not have been inherited from her mother), much to the dismay of Al. In the early seasons Kelly was also notable for a publicly expressed dislike of her family, and shame in being a Bundy (once regarding being called a Bundy a fightable offense), but has always disregarded her own safety, popularity and opinion in order to rescue or avenge them in some sort of fashion. Kelly also is well known for holding the comic strip of the over-eating cat, Garfield, reading aloud (while horrendously mispronouncing) the words.

Details about Kelly[]

Kelly Bundy was born to Al Bundy and Peggy Wanker on November 27th of 1971. It has been mentioned in several episode that she was conceived in Al's Dodge, and in one particular episode, conceived the night Al scored his Four Touchdowns while celebrating with his then girlfriend, Peggy at a drive-in theater. (Though if she was conceived on the night Al scored four touchdowns, that would mean she was born closer to August 1967).

She already appeared to be a student at Polk High School at the beginning of the series. She graduated from the school in 1990, though it was mentioned in several episode that she was held back. She also graduated late due to her mother (who was also taking the class as she failed it and didn't officially graduate in the 1960s) swapping out Kelly's final project (a plate of Jell-O) with hers ''crown rack of lamb'' that was ruined due to Al) for their Home Economics class. This allowed Peggy to officially graduate from Polk High with the others, while Kelly was forced to take a summer remedial class.

About Kelly[]

Kelly is known for her stupidity and promiscuity, both of which are routinely mocked by her family, particularly Bud. She has had a prodigious amount of partners throughout the series, and is generally considered very beautiful, although her choice in men appears dubious, with most of them ending up beaten up and kicked out by Al.

Her intelligence is also the topic for insult, although the extent of her stupidity appears to be fluid, varying from episode to episode, season to season. She originally appeared to be of fairly average intelligence, albeit not very keen to put it to use, though later seasons amped this up to her being unable to grasp common concepts, let alone read properly.

According to, the exact point where Kelly is first shown to have been dumbed down is in the season 2 episode, "Guys and Dolls", when Bud was able to make her believe that the story Robinson Caruso takes place on the same island as the television show Gilligan's Island and later, Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven with the television show, The Addams Family. Although for the rest of season 2, she seemed to be back to having average intelligence, from season 3 onward, her stupidity would be amplified in various episodes, as Kellyisms were introduced and she would be seen accidentally bumping into the wall or tripping and falling onto the floor, or even forgetting what was she was just thinking about.

It is implied in the show that she was fairly intelligent as a young girl, as well as a voracious reader, but that a serious head injury during a car trip reduced her intelligence. Despite this, Kelly does show moments of very high intelligence, or at least street smarts on rare occasions.

Although she is usually portrayed as dumb, and stupid she does show that she is actually knowledgeable in math and physics, such as in T*R*A*S*H, when she is able to precisely calculate the trajectory to launch trash in to the D'Arcy's attic with a catapult and in Cheese, Cues and Blood when she is demonstrates her knowledge of angles in a game of billiards.

