Princekodi's Animal Style of Balto 2: Wolf Quest
- Balto - Kodi (Balto 3: Wings of Change)
- Jenna - Dusty (Balto 3: Wings of Change)
- Puppy Aleu - Claudette (Alpha and Omega 2 and 3)
- Aleu - Bess (All Dogs go to Heaven TV Series)
- Aleu's Siblings - Kodi and Dusty's Pups
- Boris - Baloo (The Jungle Book)
- Muk and Luk - Fiver and Hazel (Watership Down)
- Aniu - Jenna (Balto Trilogy)
- Nava - Dodger (Oliver and Company)
- Niju - Carface Crunthers (All Dogs go to Heaven)
- Nuk and Yak - Dosceo and Rosceo (Oliver and Company)
- Sumac - Killer (All Dogs go to Heaven)
- Muru - Basil (The Great Mouse Detective)
- The Vixen - Vixen (The Animals of Farthing Wood)
- The Raven - Keehar (Watership Down)
- The Wolverines - Shenzi, Banzai and Ed (The Lion King)
- The Hunter - Clayton (Tarzan)
- Puppy Gmork - Genghis (The Foxbusters)
- Gmork's Father: Steele - Gmork (The Neverending Story)
- Gmork's Mother: Belladonna - Sly (The Animals of Farthing Wood)
- Emily - Bubbles (the powerpuff girls)
- Faith - Mrs keane (the powerpuff girls)
- Darren - Professor utoniam (the powerpuff girls)

Kodi as Balto

Dusty as Jenna
Claudette as Puppy Aleu

Bess as Adult Aleu

Baloo as Boris

Hazel and Fiver as Muk and Luk
Jenna as Aniu

Kodi and Dusty's Pups as Aleu's Siblings

Dodger as Nava

Carface as Niju

Dosceo and Rosceo as Nuk and Yak

Killer as Sumac

Ghengis as Puppy Gmork

Gmork as Gmork's Father: Steele

Sly as Gmork's Mother: Belladonna