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(Title: Abeiscool40 Productions presents.)

(We then fade to a village of some sort with several people and mythical creatures doing their nature things. A centaur is drinking out of a stream before we zoom in on the forest scene. The centaur picks its head up and glances over its shoulder, sensing that someone is coming.)

(At a beautiful castle, several stained glass windows are shown. One of them shows a somewhat familiar lioness with tan fur, looking vain.)

  • Narrator: Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young lioness lived in a shining castle. Although she had everything her heart desired, the lioness was spoiled, selfish, and unkind.

(The next stained glass window shows a Friar Tuck (from "Robin Hood") approaching the castle. He is displaying a red rose to the lioness.)

  • Narrator: But then, one winter's night, an old friar badger came to the castle and offered her a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold.

(The lioness on the next glass window turns away while Friar Tuck glances at the rose.)

  • Narrator: Repulsed by his haggard appearance, the lioness sneered at the gift and turned the old badger away. But he warned her not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.

(The door is closed, and Friar Tuck transforms. In the next one, it shows his true form - an red panda named Shifu - with the lioness cowering in fear.)

  • Narrator: And when she dismissed him again, the old badger's ugliness melted away to reveal a handsome red panda. The lioness tried to apologize, but it was too late, for he had seen that there was no love in her heart.

(Then, Shifu taps his staff on the shameful lioness. Then, two stained glass windows show gloved paws becoming hideous hands.)

  • Narrator: And as punishment, he transformed her into a hideous mermaid, and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there.

(Now, in reality, we see the castle, more darker and covered by a thunderstorm. In the castle, the figure slashes her nails at the picture, growling as she turns away.)

  • Narrator: Ashamed of her hideous form, the Mermaid concealed herself inside her castle with a magic mirror as her only window to the outside world.

(Then, we see the mirror and the glowing rose inside the glass container.)

  • Narrator: The rose he had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom until her twenty-first year. If she could learn to love another and earn his love in return by the time the last petal fell.

(Then we zoom outside the castle as thunder flashes in the stormy sky.)

  • Narrator: Then the spell would be broken. If not, she would be doomed to remain a Mermaid for all time. As the years passed, she fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a Mermaid?

(Fade from the castle to the logo reading, "Handsome and the Mermaid.")
