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[Veemon runs by, stepping in a puddle. Agumon follows and falls straight through. Guilmon stops short and steps over it.]
Guilmon: "Puddles can be so messy." [He puts up a Caution sign.] "An ounce of prevention!"
Veemon: "Hey, snailboy, move it, willya? I'm not getting any younger." [He walks off a cliff.]
Guilmon: "Veemon, stop!"
Agumon: [running off the cliff into Veemon] "I got a soaker, guys!"
Veemon: "Agumon, if you bump into me one more–"
Guilmon: "Um, guys?"
Veemon: "What?"
Guilmon: "Improbable alert!"
[Veemon realizes he's standing on thin air and rushes to safe ground. Agumon stays where he is.]
Guilmon and Veemon: "Come back, Agumon!"
Agumon: "I can jump it, guys!"
Guilmon and Veemon: "No, Agumon!" [They pull him back.]
Guilmon: "Now what?"
Veemon: "I'm thinking, I'm thinking."
Agumon: "Can I think?"
Guilmon and Veemon: "NO!"

[A bottle is spinning rapidly in the center of a circle formed by the Digimon. The bottle stops, settling on Gomamon.]
Gomamon: "It's my turn! Luck be a lady tonight."
Patamon: "Right. Pick then. Truth, or dare?"
Gomamon: "Dare me, sucka."
Palmon: "Thattaboy, Gomamon!"
Patamon: "Cool. Let's see. I dare you to...skip your turn."
Gomamon: [realizing he's been played] "Darn it."
Patamon: "What a sap." [He spins the bottle again.]

[Guilmon is using a makeshift anemometer to judge the wind's speed and direction.]
Veemon: "What's the word, Guilmon?"
Guilmon: "Well frankly Veemon, I'm concerned. The wind conditions aren't suitable for our trajectory. The lean is much too steep for the span."
Veemon: "What else is new? Let 'er rip, Agumon!"
[Agumon lets go of the tree root he's biting.]
Agumon: "Gravy."
[The tree the Trio are standing on snaps to its full height, rocketing them away. They land headfirst in the lane.]
Agumon: "I think I hit a pipe."
Gaomon: "Buzz, buzz, buzz off, Gaomon." [He is pretending to be a fly.] "Buzz, buzz, buzz off, Gaomon. Buzz, buzzoow!" [He runs into a fence, and all the Digimon (except Gatomon and Gomamon) laugh.]
Gatomon: "You shouldn't have dared Gaomon to buzz off, Patamon."
Gabumon: "Ah, the artichoke thickens. Are those the better-check-your-wallet Trio-boys?"
Patamon: "Where? Aw, great."
[Agumon pulls himself out of the ground and yanks his friends out of the dirt.]
Palmon: "Who invited them?"
Patamon: "The dorks came to ruin our game."
Veemon: "Truth or dare? I love this game! Who's next?" [He spins the bottle.] "I gotta warn ya, I'm a pro at this. Siddown, pigeons." [He opens his eyes to see that the Trio are alone. Forebodingly, the bottle points away from them.]
Guilmon: "Their social skills are deplorable."
Agumon: "My turn to spin!" [He spins himself around and points the bottle at Veemon upon stopping.] "Veemon? Truth or dare?"
Veemon: "Okay, dare, Agumon."
Agumon: "Okay, I dare you, Veemon, to sprout the wings of a bat and stomp like a zombie while whistling 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat' through a car wash."
[Guilmon and Veemon look at Agumon, flummoxed]
Guilmon: "Agumon, try a more reasonable dare, please."
Agumon: [after a long pause] "Okay, I dare Veemon to be Guilmon."
Guilmon: "Veemon act like me? Why that's–"
Veemon: "Stupid, Agumon! You blew your chance to–"
Guilmon: "Y'know, Veemon, it could be quite intriguing. Why I'd be flattered if you were to mimic me."
Veemon: "Let's see, where do I start?" [He proceeds to mimic Guilmon] "The wind conditions are absurd. The lean is too steep for the fat."
Agumon: "Good Guilmon, Veemon." [Guilmon chuckles.]
[Veemon pretends to strain to budge the bottle, unable to move it an inch.]
Veemon: "Oh dear. The unsanitary. My skinny arms cannot bear the weight. Oh oh I know. I'll move it with my brain." [He pretends to concentrate.]
Guilmon: [sarcastic] "Ha ha ha. Very good, Veemon." [He spins the bottle.] "Can we resume playing?" [The bottle settles on him.] "Oh dear."
Veemon: "Ha! I dare ya to be Agumon! Go on, flatter him."
Guilmon: "Well, I suppose I could, but only if Agumon will be Veemon."
Agumon: "I can do Veemon, I practiced." [He pushes his eyes together and starts speaking in a loud, raspy voice.] "Can it Guil-Dweeb!"
Veemon: "Whaddya mean you practiced?"
Agumon: "Shut up, Sockhead!"
Veemon: "Please, Veemon, you're invading my personal space!" [He pushes Agumon away. The trio laugh hysterically.]
Veemon: "Well?"
Agumon: "Do me, Guilmon!"
Veemon: "We're waiting."
Guilmon: "Very well. Let's see now." [He turns around and manipulates his face. When he faces his friends again, his eyes are spread out across his face.] "Buttered toast." [The Trio laugh again.]

[Gomamon pours a hose onto a Slip-n-Slide.]
Gomamon: "It's ready, Palmon!"
Palmon: "Here I come!" [She slides the length of the toy.] "Whee! That was fun! Your turn, Gomamon!"
Gomamon: [pouring sunscreen into his palm] "In a second, Palmon! I'm oiling up for speed!" [Gomamon rubs the lotion on his chest and stomach.] "On your mark, get set–"
Gabumon: "Out of the way!" [He rides his unicycle into Gomamon, and Gomamon gets tangled in the spokes.]
Palmon: [worried] "Gomamon!"
Gomamon: "The wrath of destiny visits yet again."
Gabumon: "Gabumon has no time for this!" [to Palmon] "Where is your brother?"
Palmon: "What am I? His keeper?"
Gabumon: "Yes."
Palmon: "Backyard."

[Gabumon enters the backyard to see Agumon's clothes stumbling around with a watering can on their head.]
Gabumon: "Ho ho! There you are, one shy of a full deck Trio-boy! Gabumon requires your assistance." [He pulls the can off to reveal Guilmon.]
Guilmon: "Who is there?"
Gabumon: "Imposter! You are not Agumon-boy!"
Guilmon: "Gravy."
Gabumon: [confused] "Hmm."
Veemon: [wearing Guilmon's clothes and a sock on his head] "Pardon me, Gabumon, but I have compost a theory. Once upon observation of this small rock, I have discovered actually mutated from a big rock. Intriguing."
Guilmon: [running like Agumon] "Haw haw haw!" [He slips.] "Curse Agumon's horrible posture."
[Gabumon turns his head to see Agumon, dressed like Veemon, lounging in a chair.]
Gabumon: "Gold Agumon-boy!" [He hurries over.] "Gabumon requests the presence of your colossal feet, as it is time to squish the raspberries."
Agumon: "I'll help if I give you a quarter, Gabby boy."
Gabumon: [scratching his head] "What?" [He grabs Agumon.] "Your shenanigans try Gabumon! Come, as the raspberries will spoil." [He runs off with Agumon.]
Veemon: "Oh dear."
Guilmon: "Look at him go, Guilmon."
Veemon: "That leaves just I and you. Agumon, now that they've left, let's make fun of Veemon behind his back."
Guilmon: "Like we always do?"
Veemon: "Ah hah! I knew it!"
Guilmon: "You're so gullible, Veemon. Or as Agumon would say, 'Gravy!'" [He runs after Gabumon.] "Haw haw haw!"
Veemon: "Wait for me. I'm slow and out of shape!"

[A chicken is pecking at the dirt. Suddenly, Gabumon's shoe lands beside it.]
Gabumon: "Hurry! as the raspberries beg to be squashed, Agumon-boy."
Agumon: "Let's sell the squash for cash. Chicken!" [hugging it] "Pet the chicken, pet the chicken–" [He sees Guilmon.] "The stupid bird stole my quarter. Flew away with it. Stupid."
Veemon: "Excuse me, Veemon. May I fuel inject? Chickens cannot fly, as they are mammals."
Guilmon: "I love chickens, Veemon."
[The Trio laugh heartily. Gabumon, who is stomping the raspberries, glares at them.]
Gabumon: "Agumon-boy!"
Agumon: [poking Guilmon] "Wake up, Monobrow."
Guilmon: "Oh right. Yes. Ahem." [turning around to face Gabumon] "I am Agumon."
Gabumon: [hassled] "You are not Agumon-boy! I must have the dino Trio-boy here now. So please, Agumon-boy, raspberries to squash! Thank you."
Veemon: "Gabumon said thank you! Isn't it refurbishing to hear politeness?"
Agumon: "Put a sock in it, sock in it. I got a plan." [He pulls Veemon's sock over him and walks behind Guilmon.] "Hey, burrhead. I will now inflict pain on you."
Guilmon: "What?"
[Agumon swings Veemon, knocking Guilmon into the raspberry silo.]
Guilmon: "Buttered toast?"
Gabumon: "No butter, raspberries! Squish the fruit, slowpoke Trio-boy. Gabumon needs juice for his great thirst!"
Veemon: "Veemon, I too am thirsty. Quite partial, to be correct."
Guilmon: [calling from the muck] "Parched! The word you're looking for is parched!"
Agumon: "Yeah right Lumpy! Parched is a fish!"
Veemon: "Intriguing."
Gabumon: "You are not Agumon!" [ranting] "You have cursed my raspberries to the life of salad dressing, impostor with tiny feet!"
[Suddenly, the berry juice begins to drain from its container.]
Agumon: "You know what they say, Guilmon." [He shoves Veemon's mouth to an opened pipe on the side.] "If you're thirsty, take a drink." [Veemon chugs it down and swells up.] "Gee, Guilmon, you really let yourself go." [He jumps on Veemon, and Veemon spits the pipe out.] "Kids'll pay big money to ride a blimp. You're a genius, Guilmon."
Guilmon: [popping out of Veemon's sock] "You really think I'm a genius?"
Veemon: "Hey I'm Guilmon! I'm the genius!" [A red-tinted Gabumon opens Veemon's mouth and climbs out.]
Agumon: "I have caused discomfort 'cause I'm Veemon!"
[The Trio laugh.]
Gabumon: "Gabumon has never been so confused."

[Guilmon is walking in the lane.]
Guilmon: "Uh oh, a fence!" [He walks into it.] "Gravy."
Agumon: "Aw, come on, Guilmon. I don't say gravy all the time."
Guilmon: "Buttered toast, then."
Veemon: "Toast is so crude, as the crust always gets stuck in my gap." [Guilmon shuts his mouth to hide the gap. Agumon and Veemon laugh as Patamon and Gatomon walk up.]
Patamon: "I don't even wanna know."
Veemon: "Greetings, Patamon. A pleasure to look at you. May I inspect your nostrils?"
Patamon: "Get lost, dork."
Veemon: "Intriguing. Your apelike qualities ensure your smartness. Let's examine your brain!"
[Veemon pulls out a telescope and extends it so it goes through Patamon's ears.]
Patamon: "Hey! That's it! You're meat, dork!" [He chases Veemon.]
Agumon: "Veemon's good, huh Guilmon?"
Palmon: [calling] "Agumon!"
Agumon: "Palmon?" [He dives into a bush.]
Guilmon: "Palmon? Agumon."
Palmon: [seeing Guilmon from the back] "Agumon."
Guilmon: "Agumon, Palmon."
Palmon: [grabbing Guilmon] "I've been looking for you. Mom said to clean your room!" [She drags him off.]
Guilmon: "Agumon?!"
Agumon: [popping out of the bush] "What a tree sap."
Gaomon: "Hiya, Agumon. Why ya dressed like Veemon?"
Agumon: [in his normal voice] "It's a dare, Gaomon." [as Veemon] "So buzz off, hairhead!"
Gaomon: [laughing] "Been there, done that, Agumon, oh, I mean Veemon! Ha ha! Oh."
Gaomon: "Plank says he'll give you a quarter if you'll do a dare."
Agumon: "Bring it on, I'll do anything for cash. 'Cause I'm short."

[Palmon kicks open the door to Agumon's bedroom and throws Guilmon inside.]
Palmon: "I'll be back in five minutes!" [She starts to close the door, but stops.] "Cuz Mom said I could!"
[Palmon slams the door, leaving Guilmon in the grody hole known to us as Agumon's basement.]
Guilmon: [stuck in a chair] "Deception certainly is excruciating."
[Guilmon looks down and spots a sandwich. The bread is all molded, and it is so old that mushrooms are popping out of the bread everywhere.]
Guilmon: "Oh, the inhumanity!"
[Guilmon wrenches himself free of the chair and stumbles backwards into the bathroom. He falls into the bathtub with a plop. When he sits up, he is covered in a strange brown glop–the same glop filling the tub.]
Guilmon: "What in heaven's name is this?" [He fishes in the muck.] "A ladle? Oh my. IT'S A TUB OF GRAVY!"

[Veemon bursts into Guilmon's house and slams the door on Patamon.]
Patamon: "Get outta Guilmon's house!" [Veemon runs upstairs, and Patamon opens the door.] "Get out here and take your lumps."
[Veemon finds his way into Guilmon's room and locks the door.]
Veemon: "Bingo."
Patamon: [pounding on the door] "Open this door!"
Veemon: "Sucker!"
Patamon: "That's it, I'm gonna count to three–"
Veemon: "Don't bust an artery, Einstein."
[Suddenly, an alarm begins to blare, and the room strobes with a red light. A recording of Guilmon's voice is heard.]
Recording: "You have invaded my personal space. Do not touch anything and leave via the designated exit."
[An Exit sign over the door is flashing. The lock on the door unlocks itself, and the door swings open to reveal a triumphant, viciously happy Patamon.]
Recording: "Watch your step on the way out and have a nice day!"
Patamon: [pounding his fist into his palm] "Oh, you can count on it." [He chuckles evilly.]
Veemon: [frightened, while mimicking Guilmon one last time] "Oh dear. Pain."

Gaomon: [laughing] "Boy, Veemon. We can't tell that truth to anyone now, can we?" [Plank is dressed in Veemon's clothes. From the top of the board, three straws stick up.] "Right, Agumon? Whoops! I mean, Plank!" [Agumon is in his underwear, pretending to be Plank.] "What's that, Veemon? Woo, hoo! What a potty mouth!" [Gaomon laughs.]

The End
