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A parody of one of my cousin's favorite scenes. It shows Riolu and Lucario. They're having a fight!


(Riolu screams and gets chased by his brother Lucario. Just as Lucario is chasing him, Riolu continues shrieking. Lucario catches Riolu, causing a big mess. Riolu licks Lucario's arm)

Lucario: EWWWW!!! (sees Riolu running away) Riolu!

(Lucario is about to find Riolu, but his brother isn't here. Lucario, after being bored, goes to the bathroom and makes a trap with the towel. Lucario closes the door. Riolu opens the washing machine's door. Lucario traps Riolu)

(Riolu starts growling just as Lucario is taking him to the living room)

(Riolu pops out of the towel and makes a hissy noise)

Lucario: (grabs Riolu by the hand) Why didn't you wait at the school?!?! You were supposed to wait there! Riolu! Do you not understand? Do you want to be taken away?

(Riolu is very sad in terror)

Lucario: (angry) Answer me!

Riolu: No!

Lucario: No, you don't understant?

Riolu: No!

Lucario: (angry) No, what?!?!

Riolu: No!!!

(Riolu drops to the ground and starts moaning)

Lucario: UGH! You're such a pain!

Riolu: So why don't you sell me? I buy a rabbit instead!

Lucario: (angry) At least a rabbit would behave better than you!

Riolu: Go ahead! Then you'll be happy because he will be smarter than me, too!

Lucario: And quieter!

Riolu: You'll like it because it's stinky like you!! (enters the room and slams the door)

Lucario: (furiously) Go to your room!!!

Riolu: I'm already in my room! (slams the door again)

(each brother grabs a pillow and screams into it)


This is not one of your favorite scenes!
