Scarlett is a contestant in Total Drama

She played Dawn Bellwether in Toontopia (Uranimated18 Version)[]
She is an evil sheep
She played Madame Medusa in the Rescuers (ilovecakeaj) style[]
She is an evil lady
She played Vlad Vladikoff in Bridgette Hears a Princess[]
She is a vulture
She played the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz (ilovecakeaj style)[]
She is a wicked witch
She played Ursula in the Little Mer Total Drama Contestant[]
She is a villain
She played the Evil Queen in Ella White and the Seven Dogs[]
She is an evil queen
She played the Queen of Hearts in Bess and Gretchen in Wonderland[]
She is a queen
She played Yzma in codyss new groove[]
she is a villain
She played the Scary Lion in the Teletubbies (ilovecakeaj style)[]
she is a lion
She play Maleficient in Sleeping Beauty (Ethan Funsch style)[]
she is a villain
She play Jafar in Zoeyladdin[]
She play Wardrobe in Beauty and the the malevolent one[]
she is a wardrobe
She played Wuya in Xiaolin Showdown (RebeccaTheSorceress' Version)[]
She is a Heylin Witch
She played Madame Margaret in Codename: Total Drama Contestants Next Door[]
She is a Boy-Hating Tyrant and Numbuh 4's Arch-Enemy.
She played Mrs. Melisha Tweedy in Animated Children Run[]
She is a Female Chicken Farmer and She is Mr. Willard Tweedy's Wife.
She played Queen Chrysalis in My Little Total Drama Contestant: Friendship Is Magic[]
She is a Queen of the Changelings, Who disguised as Princess Cadance.
She played Zira in The Person King 2[]
she is an evil lion
She played Stretch in ilovecakeaj story 3[]
she is an octopus
She played Madame Mim in[]
She played Cruella De Vil in 101 wolf dogs[]
She played Horned King in Erika and The Black Cauldron[]
She played Ginger McKenna in Casino (Robe style)[]
In Total Drama ratagianrules style played by Cruella De Vil (101 dalmatians)
In Total Drama Ilovecakeaj styleplayedd by Adult Vitani (the lion king 2 simbas pride)
in Total Drama animal style played by Madame Mousey
In Total Drama style played by Queen Chrysalis
In Total Drama Tom Radloff style played by Vicky
In Total Drama Superheroes played by Foop (Fairly Oddparents)
In Total Drama Aardman Island played by Mrs. Tweedy (Chicken Run)