Sonic in the Swamp Karaoke Dance Party is a 2001 computer-animated musical short film featuring characters from the Ragdoll Productions film Sonic (Shrek). Set immediately after the events of the feature film (just before the main characters Sonic and Amy depart for their honeymoon), it features the film's characters dancing and performing a medley of popular songs at Shrek's swamp. It is also revealed that at least for the time being, Dr. Eggman survived being swallowed whole by the Momma Dino, as he is shown singing along with the other characters.
- Shrek - Sonic
- Donkey - Tails (Sonic)
- Princess Fiona - Amy (Sonic)
- Lord Farquaad - Dr. Eggman (Sonic)
- Dragon - Momma Dino (Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs)
- Big Bad Wolf - Wince (Will and Dewitt)
- Three Blind Mice - Thomas, James and Percy (Thomas & Friends)
- Three Little Pigs - The Croakbottom Boys (Will and Dewitt)
- Gingy - Mr. Bill
- Pinocchio - Robert (Barney & Friends)
- Magic Mirror - Motherboard (Cyberchase)
- Dwarves - Various The Wiggles Characters
- Snow White - Terri (Miss BG)
- Cinderella - Jackie (Cyberchase)
- Baby Bear - Po (Teletubbies)
- Papa Bear - Tinky Winky (Teletubbies)
- Thelonius - Noo Noo (Teletubbies)
- Monsieur Hood - Shadow (Sonic)
- Merry Men - Dodos (Ice Age)