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1 Grand Duke of Owls
The Grand Duke of Owls (Rock A Doodle)

"What is a meaning of this!"

The Grand Duke of Owls is the main antagonist in "Rock-A-Doodle".

He Played as the Wizard of Oz (Bad) In The Wizard of Oz (Uranimated18 Style)

He Played as Lotso-Huggin Bear In Classic Animal Story 3

He is an evil teddy bear

He Played Chunk In Animal Story 3 (Disneystyle8)

He is One of Lotso's Minious

He Played as Professor Ratigan In The Great Sponge Detective

He is an evil rat

He Played as Noah In Fievel in New York

He is Tabitha's helper and leader of his gang

He Played as Scar In The Bear King (Stephen Druschke's Style)

He Played as Cy-Bug King Candy In Wreck-It Jack


  • In Rock-A-Mickey played by Nigel