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The Parody Wiki


  • Thomas as Captain Jack Sparrow - (Thomas and Captain Jack Sparrow are both the main heroes)
  • Percy as Will Turner - (Thomas and Percy are best friends, just like Captain Jack Sparrow and Will Turner are)
  • Emily as Elizabeth Swann - (Emily and Elizabeth Swann are both beautiful and the main females)
  • Spencer as Captain Hector Barbossa - (Spencer and Captain Hector Barbossa are both half bad and half good)
  • S.C.Ruffey as Jack the Monkey
  • James as James Norrington - (James and James Norrington are both share the same names and James was a villain in Tale of the Brave)
  • Toby as Joshamee Gibbs - (Toby and Joshamee Gibbs are both old, wise, and kind)
  • Gordon as Governor Weatherby - (Gordon and Govenor Weatherby are both adult, old and father figures to Emily and Elizabeth Swann)
  • Donald and Douglas as Pintel and Ragetti - (Donald and Douglas are twins, just like Pintel and Ragetti are)
  • Bill and Ben as Mullory and Murtogg - (Bill and Ben are twins, just like Mullory and Murtogg are)
  • Thumper as Cotton - (Thumper and Cotton are both mute)
  • Harold as Cotton's Parrot
  • Henry as Bootstrap Bill Turner - (Henry and Bootstrap Bill Turner are both fathers of Percy and Will Turner)
  • D261 as Lord Cutler Beckett - (D261 and Lord Cutler Beckett are both evil)
  • Diesel as Davy Jones - (Diesel and Davy Jones are both evil and named begins with the letter 'D')
  • Smudger as Mercer - (Smudger and Mercer are both ends with the word "er")
  • George as Captain Sao Feng - (George and Captain Sao Feng are both evil, selfish and mean)
  • Edward as Captain Edward Teague - (Edward and Captain Edward Teague are both share the same names)
  • Mavis as Anamaria
  • Elizabeth as Tia Dalma
  • Johnny Cuba (from TUGS) as Kraken - (Johnny Cuba and Kraken are both villains who travel in Sea)
  • Diesel 10 as Blackbeard - (Diesel 10 and Blackbeard are both big, strong, evil, violent and mean to Thomas and Captain Jack Sparrow)
  • Molly as Angelica - (Molly and Angelica are both wonderful)
  • Duncan as Marty - (Duncan and Marty are both small and stubborn)
  • Duck as Tai Huang - (Duck was formally a villain in Tobias and the Half Pariah)
  • Oliver as Scrum 
  • Jack as Philip Swift
  • Dennis as Salaman
  • Madge as Young Elizabeth Swan
  • Skarloey as Young Will Turner
  • Rajiv as Henry Turner
  • Ashima as Carina Smyth
  • Luke as Young Henry Turner
  • Vinnie as Captain Armando Salazar

