Tyler Klause is a Cyber (Defionition for "Android") Created By Professor Ichiroubei Hiirgai His Dream Is To Become a new Superhero He Was Born In Sunny Bay He lives in the Klause Family House with his parents Jonathan and Evelyn Klause also his sister Betty Klause He's Best Friends With Adagio But Once His Dad Got Digitized Now He Got Him Back He Also Has A Crush On His Popstar Keiko Kubota He Is A New Character In Sora's Adventure Series He Is The New Kamen Rider Onyx He is Voiced by Rino Romano of Spider-Man and In the Live Action Tv Show Kamen Rider Onyx, He is Potrayed by actor/martial artist Leo Howard.
He Is Handesome, brave, Friendly, Carring, Smart, Calm, Adventeruous, Funny,and Cool He Can Also Be Flirtious Around Girls Like His Crush Musa and Keiko Kubota But He Can Get Short Temperd When Bad Guys Mess With Him When He Saves The Day Wave Always Supports Him Like Best Friends He Also Shares A Friendship with Danny Phantom He also Cares for His Friends.
Items Used by Tyler Klause:[]
- Onyx Advent Deck (Main Transformation Item)
Voice Actors[]
- Rino Romano - English
- Eri Kitamura - Japanese
- Chance Perez - Singing Voice
Live Action Actors:[]
Spider-Man Suits[]
- He Played Mack in Power Rangers Operation Overdrive (Tdk 0403 Style)
- He Also Plays Ben Tennyson in Ben 10 (Tdk 0403 Style)
- He Also Plays Conner Mcknight in Power Rangers Dino Thunder (Tdk 0403 Style)
- He Also Played Shane in Power Rangers Ninja Storm (Tdk 0403 Style)
- He Also Played Brody in Power Rangers Ninja Steel (Tdk 0403 Style) and Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel (Tdk 0403 Style)
- He Also Played Devon in Power Rangers Beast Morphers (Tdk 0403 Style)
- He Also Played Danny Fenton in Danny Phantom (Tdk 0403 Style)
- He Also Played Sonic in Tyler the Cyber (SATAM), The Adventures of Tyler the Cyber, Tyler Underground, and Tyler X
- Japanese Music
- Cold Weather
- Ramen Noodles, Tacos, and Pizza
- Being with his Friends
- Protecting the Planet
- Tv Shows
- Video Games
- TMNT Movies
- Fighting Bad Guys
- Putting bad Guys in there Place
- Seeing Others Happy
- His Friends
- Being a new superhero what he dreamed to be
- Being with Girls and Kissing Them
- Heroic Mutants and Heroic Vampires
- Traffic
- Cheering up His Friends
- Protecting his Friends
- The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Kalafina
- Keiko Kubota (crush and love intrest)
- Rei Hino (secondary love intrest)
- Bloom (Secondary Love Intrest)
- Flora (Second Girlfriend)
- Musa (Third Girlfriend)
- Minako Aino (New Love Intrest)
- Tsubassa Kazanari (New Third Love Intrest)
- Rina Torin (New Love Intrest)
- Power Rangers
- Devilman (Big Fan)
- Halloween (Favorite Holiday)
- Tears (gets him angry)
- His Friends Getting Hurt
- Evil Vampires
- NOS 4-A-2
- Psycho Rangers
- Seeing others Crying
- Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom)
- Zick (Monster Allergy)
- Devon Daniels/Red Beast Morphers Ranger (Power Rangers Beast Morphers)
- Cybersix (Cybersix)
- Aerrow (Storm Hawks)
- Ulrich Stern (Code Lyoko)
- Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Spectacular Spider-Man)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Boom)
- Kit Taylor/Kamen Rider Dragon Knight (KRDK)
- Ultraman Nexus
- Aruto Hiden/Kamen Rider Zero One (Kamen Rider Zero One)
- Ace Bunny (Loonatics Unleashed)
- B-Bop A Luna (Butt Ugly Martians)
- Devilman (Devilman)
- Tyler Loves the girl band of japanese Kalafina
- He's also a Inspiration of Cybersix
- He is a fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Spider-Man since he was 8
- He Became the Cyber Superhero of Acmetropolis
- The Only Vilian he fights is NOS 4-A2
- He Develops a Love Relationship with Sailor Venus
- He Also Has a Crush on Keiko Kubota, Rias Gremory, and Tsubasa.
- He Also Develops a Romantic Love with Musa.
Home: Acmetropolis
Species: Human
Personality: Handesome, optimistic, calm, Cool, Kind Hearted, Friendly, Funny, Razor Sharp Witted, Adventuruous, Short Tempered (when bad guys make him mad), Flirtious, Mischevous (sometimes), brave (sometimes),Sassy (sometimes), Confident.
Occupation: Jonathan Klause's Son, Adagio's best friend, awesome, and Cyber Kid.
Goal: To be a New Superhero
Gender: Male
Alignment: Good
Fang Klause (Brother)
Betty Klause (Sister)
Adagio (Buddy)
Minako Aino (True Love Intrest)
Rei Hino (Love Intrest)
Musa (Girlfriend)
Morrigan Aenslad (Lover)
Devon Daniels (Best Buddy)
Keiko Kubota (Crush/Girlfriend)
Kaori Oda (Perfect Love Intrest)
Sam Collins/Servo (Partner)
Drew Mccormick, Jo Mcormick, Roland Wiliams, and Josh Baldwin (Teamates)
Steel (Creation and Pal)
Zick (Best Friend)
NOS 4-A-2
The Psycho Rangers
The Shredder
Arlen Crane
Powers and Abilites: Super Speed, Spider-Sense, Spider Agility, Spider Strength, Time Break, Speed Break, Time Stop.
Apperance: A young kid with Blue Hair, a Blue and Red Jacket, With a Red Berry Shirt Grey Pants, and Blue Shoes which he walks with.
- "Hey Guys"
- "So What's Up"?
- "Let's Go"!
- "After What We've Just Been Through NO! We Gotta Get Back to Our Dimension Somehow We're Running Out Of Time"!
- "If Jareth Shows up it's Gonna Take all of You Guys to Hold Him Off"!
- "Im Going In".
- "That's a Good Look for You".
- "Don't Underrestemate Me Im Not Ten Years old Anymore"!
- "Go Ahead Take You're Best Shot"!
- "I save the whole entire universe this is nothing."
- "Awesome, this calls for a pizza."
- "I'd Face Bad Guys as a Kid Glad I Grew Out of that Huh Micko"?
- "Yo".
- "Nice".
- "Oh Hey Adagio."
- "I've Calmed Down Now Thanks Adagio I Really Needed that."
- "Kamen Rider!"
Song Performed[]
- Fragile World
- Nightshade