Wolf is a rival of Fox.
Wolf plays as Al McWhiggin in Cartoon Story 2 (Toy Story 2) (1999)
Wolf plays as Waluigi in SuperNickRobin (SuperMarioLogan)
Wolf plays as Lex Luthor in Superhedgehog
Wolf plays as Toffee in Sci-Twi vs. The Forces of Evil
Wolf plays as Stinky Pete in Toon Story 2 (Toy Story 2; 1999)
Wolf plays as Mr. Hyde in The Pagemaster (Charlie BrownRockz Style)
Wolf plays as The CDA in Monsters, Inc. (Dragon Rockz and MegaZeroX Style) (Revival)
- in Super CharlieBrownandSci-TwiFans Bros. Series He is Played By Chef Skinner